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Posts posted by DarkJester

  1. What are people thoughts? 


    I plan to go on a business trip soon so plan to use it in combination with Nanogen fibres. I did a test run with Nanogen it looks ok but I'm gonna avoid scenarios where I'm sitting and people are standing over me, since it would be obvious I've put something on my head. It only looks good at a distance and close up looks I've sprinkled charcoal on my head lol 

  2. 16 minutes ago, BackFromTheBrink said:

    Presumably you didn't apply nanogen to an area of your scalp with thousands of cuts in it though?

    From what you've said, you are going to use it, whether it'll irritate your skin or not, and whether it is or isn't with your surgeons approval.

    Of course you can do whatever you want, but it just seems odd to ask the question when you're going to do it anyway.

    My question was is it safe to use hair fibres 4 weeks after a transplant.


    You said it shouldn't be an issue and it won't affect the transplant.


    Not sure what the issue is.

  3. 2 hours ago, Turkhair said:

    It will just irritate your skin as hair fibers are quite irritating and the hairspray you’ve to use to hold them in are not nice to skin too.

    Shouldn’t hurt your grafts but your skin will probably have some issues down the line - pimples, cysts, redness whatever. 


    I've been using Nanogen for year's and never had any complication.


    I was just wondering if they may cause problems for the new grafts after 4 weeks.

  4. 5 minutes ago, BackFromTheBrink said:

    I probably wasn't overly clear - what I meant to convey was that your hair will look the same as pre surgery.

    Whilst I appreciate you plan to apply it to the recipient area, doing so will make your hair look different to previously.

    I guess you had scalp and body hair transplanted? Either way, it'll be too soon to die your hair to get a consistent colour. 

    Personally, I would get a haircut to smarten it up and accept it'll be much better in 6 months.

    If you insist on using fibres your scalp will be relatively well healed at that point so the fibres shouldn't impact your result. However, i would be more concerned about not following the advice of your surgeon more generally.

    I used hair fibres before surgery so technically I would look the same. Basically the photo is what my head looked like before surgery minus the transplanted hairs. Pre hair transplant I used fibres all the time.


    No I never used body hair. Just hairs from back of head and sides. It was unshaven DHI.


    I never mentioned anything about hair dye and definitely have no plans to use it, ever.

    Thanks for the advice. Appreciate your time 


  5. 27 minutes ago, BackFromTheBrink said:

    I suspect you'd be fine, though may want to check with your surgeon for their advice.

    After 5 weeks the hair in your donor should have grown back to a reasonable length and it'll look more presentable. I would imagine you will look similar to pre surgery by that point so may not need fibres at that point.



    I plan to apply the fibres to the transplanted area.


    My clinic advised not to put anything on my head for 6 months. I'm not sure if they are being extra cautious since other clinics recommend after 4 weeks for fibres. 


    Also it's for just one day and ill wash it off at night and then not need to use it again since I'll be working from home until next year. Most of meetings will be via zoom.

  6. I'm currently 2 and half weeks post surgery. I work from home buy have a 2 day work event second week of October. That would be 5 weeks after surgery.


    Would it be safe to use Nanogen hair fibres?


    This is what my head looks like now at the 2 and half week mark. I had 5000 grafts via an unshaven DHI method over 2 days. Most of it was at the front and middle. I will need to go back for the crown in a year or two.




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