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Posts posted by mrose

  1. I am just over one month, and it has been a difficult one. I had major shockloss and was getting depressed about it. I just want to thank all of you for talking about your stories and sharing the experience because it truly makes me feel so much better knowing that it will all get better with in the next few months. For now my hats are my best friends. Keep up the support guys and I wish you all thick growth...

  2. After my 2nd HT I have been going through some shock loss and was searching desperately for support and answers. Your forum really helped me. I posted my issues and immediatly the guys on this site reached out giving support and advice. Its exactly what I needed to get through those tough days. Thanks Pat, and thanks to all those who keep this site going. We must stick together..

  3. I am 29 and just finished with my second procedure two and a half weeks ago. I got 2500 grafts on a head that was thining but not bald. It has been two weeks of shock fall out. I know in my heart that I will be ok in a few months, but I feel that I have lost way more hair than I bought. It wont stop falling out. Not my new hairs, but all my old ones. It is happening on the sides, back and top of my head. I am completely depressed and I feel it is driving me nuts. Please if there is anyone out there who experienced this and has recovered let me know. In need of some support. Thanks.

  4. I am 29 and just finished with my second procedure two and a half weeks ago. I got 2500 grafts on a head that was thining but not bald. It has been two weeks of shock fall out. I know in my heart that I will be ok in a few months, but I feel that I have lost way more hair than I bought. It wont stop falling out. Not my new hairs, but all my old ones. It is happening on the sides, back and top of my head. I am completely depressed and I feel it is driving me nuts. Please if there is anyone out there who experienced this and has recovered let me know. In need of some support. Thanks.

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