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Posts posted by just_me

  1. I would like to make alcohol free version of RU58841. From what I heard Trichosol can be used as RU58841 vehicle. Product TRICHOXIDIL (https://anagenica.com/product/trichoxidil/) has Trichosol and 2,5% or 5% Trichoxidil. Do you think there is any possibility that Trichoxidil could interact in some negative way and cause RU58841 to not dissolve? If not, then I think TRICHOXIDIL sounds like a very good alternative, Trichoxidil acts as Minoxidil alternative and Trichosol as RU58841 vehicle.

  2. On 2/18/2024 at 11:03 PM, 12345 said:

    im curious, where did you get your 5% CB from. I am sensitive to dut, and was sensitive to 1% cb(I used prescribed winlevi cream which is 1% and is a legit source) and got terrible ball pain after 3 uses. so im honestly shocked you are side effect free from a 5% cream if its legit 5%

    I bought from anagenica, I believe they are legit. CB still goes systemic to some degree but it metabolises quickly to a non-antiandrogenic compound from what I read, that is probably I don't get androgen related sides from it. Maybe you can try again to see if this pain was just coincidence or it was really CB the reason considering you had real CB.

  3. 15 hours ago, mojones said:

    How is this going? Any side effects or progress?

    I got sides with dutasteride unofortunately so I stopped. Now I am doing CB – 5% and Eucapil sometimes. I also started applying spray with rosemary and cloves tea daily. And go to sauna regularly where I also massage my scalp. It seems it does something because shedding completely stopped. I also did a few hair DR.CYJ Hair Fillers, last one 1,5 month ago and did 3 PRP session, last one 3 months ago. However only recently shedding stopped so I believe it is CB – 5% and Eucapil with combination of massage and natural spray.

  4. As the title says, can you use shedding (number of hairs when washing) as progress monitor? I had terrible shedding for years but now it finally stopped. I tried so many things, my laptop keyboard was always full of hairs and dandruff. Propecia caused me horrible sides but didn't stopped shedding. I had sides even with Minoxidil so I stopped it. I tried some liposomal solutions months ago with low amount of propecia and some growth factors, it didn't do anything. I have been using Nizoral, microneedling for 2 years and it didn't help. But 2 weeks ago shedding completely stopped, no dandruff no hairs on my keyboard, no hairs on my scalp massagers.
    That is a very good sign right that I may finally found something that stopped my hairloss?
    What I did: 3 PRP sessions, last one was 3 months ago. I doubt this helped but who knows. A few hair DR.CYJ Hair Fillers, last one 1,5 month ago. However shedding and dandruff really stopped after I started using CB – 5% and Eucapil sometimes. I also started applying spray with rosemary and cloves tea daily. And go to sauna regularly where I also massage my scalp. I am not sure if PRP and hair fillers session took some time to heal my scalp or it is CB + Eucapil + natural spray + sauna that helps. This is why I want to know now that if I can use number of lost hairs when washing as a progress monitor.
  5. I didn't know that ghk-cu is also potent 5ar inhibitor.
    " 5-alpha reductase exists in 2 forms; type 1 which function in hair follicles and type 2 which acts in prostate tissue. Follicle damaging DHT is produced in the hair follicles..."
    " at At 0.12 micrograms copper ion per milliliter, there was a 50% reduction in activity of type 1 alpha reductase but copper (II) ions were 10-fold less active on inhibiting the type 2 prostate type. Thus, copper ions are more specific inhibitors of 5-AR than finasteride." (6)..."

    I had sides with 5ar inhibitors in the past. I am wondering is 5ar type 1 or 5ar type 2 that gives sides?

  6. I tried liposomal fin and duta, unfortunately it gives me sides even with low dose so 5ar inhibitors are no go for me. Even minoxidil gives me mood sides. I did 3 prp session without any positive effect.

    Recently I started CB 5% from Anagenica, that is my new anti DHT which seems it doesn't give me any sides but I am not sure how effective it is. I am also preparing home made solution from cloves, mellisa, rosemary (I make tea and apply it twice per day with spray) + lot of scalp massages + red light. I will also include exosomes. That is my plan for now.

  7. I have the worst customer service experience with Anagenica, after 65 days of paying 200€ I still don't have a product I paid. The whole story sounds like a joke but sadly it is real:

    I made first order with DHL shipment. Received it and all good. Then I made second order on Sep 15th using ordinary mail, the product costed me around 200€. They sent it from Andora which is not within EU, because of that customs office opened the package and rejected it, sent back. They offer reshipment in their policy. I asked them to send it again which they never did. After a few days I asked them for tracking code for resent shipment and they just sent me tracking code for the first rejected package. I told them about this mistake and it took 5 days to reply. They said the package was resent on October 3rd. I asked them for tracking code 2 times and they just ignored my question, it seems they lied and they didn't send it again. After 40 days of no package I sent them another e-mail and they replied "We have to assume the package was lost. I will resend it today.". The same day I also ordered another product using DHL and I told them they can include the lost product inside the same package. I received the package but they "forgot" to put the product for which I paid 200€. I sent them another e-mail and they replied they thought it is already with me. And that was after I already told them 5 times that I still don't have the product. I asked them how can they assumed it is with me if I already told them 5 times I still don't have it. They said they will send it next Tuesday. When the next Tuesday happened, I asked them if they finally sent the package as promised and if they can send me tracking code. And they sent me again tracking code for the previous DHL package where the 200€ product was missing. So after 65 days I still don't have a product after multiple e-mails, every time they just send some previous tracking code, it sounds like a joke.

  8. 10 minutes ago, duchaine said:

    @just_me @12345

    You are "quoting" a statement from a research on rats.

    The authors report the conclusion of other studies.

    So, read the references to have a clear picture.

    In fact, the way  the quotes are quite deceptive.


    The authors claim that duta stays up to 6 months quoting a study(n. 16) where the subject received from 0.01 to 40 mg of dutasteride (0.01, 0.1, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, 20 and 40mg).

    Considering that "at daily doses above 1 mg day−1the steady state concentrations are almost entirely dependent on the linear clearance mechanism", you can guess that using 40mg daily (that is 8x what you use for hair loss or prostate), you can find some traces after 196 days (by the record, if you see the datas, all the subject were at baseline after 50/60, except one that showed traced after 180 days).



    by the other way, he quotes another study (18) that states:

    "Lastly, slight decreases in sexual function were noted during treatment and these changes were largely reversed during recovery. The clinical relevance of these small reductions in measurements of sexual function is unclear. It is notable that the overall satisfaction score did not change during treatment, implying that the slight changes in sex drive, erectile and ejaculatory function experienced by subjects did not adversely affect global sexual function or sexual satisfaction".

    The quote literally says "in humans" with a reference to this human study. Again, I agree that dut can have very bad sides. The only thing I don't agree is that dut half life is 6 months. It is not, it is about 5 weeks.

  9. 28 minutes ago, 12345 said:

    I know what I read. I am not blind. Ya'll can keep castrating yourself with it. I am done. 

    Then Dr. Jerry Shapiro made mistake in his presentation. Can you give me a hint where I can see his presentation? I would like to remind him about this mistake. I am done with dut as well. After 3 weeks I suddenly got sides. I am not saying that dut is sides free, quite opposite. I am just trying to calm down people a bit because if somebody starts believing that half life is 6 months it can cause mental frustration. Half life is 5 weeks, after that time it will start loosing potency. It will still stay in body though for 6 months as shown in the below article. But somebody should start feeling better toward 6 months I guess. If half life was 6 months, this would mean you can not expect to start recovering sooner than 6 months at all. But this is not the case, half life is not 6 months! 

    "The half-life of dutasteride is known to be 5 weeks in humans [16], so it takes at least 5 to 6 months for wash-out. In addition, 6 months to 1 year is usually needed for restoration of the structural and functional changes caused by long-term dutasteride treatment in various organs"
    Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6479083/

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  10. 1 hour ago, duchaine said:

    I am not saying that nobody has sides from fina. I'm saying that most of them are not real in the greater number of cases.

    The most paradigmatic side is the "post finasteride syndrome" (PSF).
    As you know, some people say that they lost their erectile function with fina and it never recovered, even when they stopped the drug.

    I am very close to the university of Trieste, Italy.
    The  genetic department of the university is conducting a research on PFS, to see if it is real.
    The chief prof strongly believed that PSF is a real thing* so, if he had a prejudice, it was in the sense that is NOT a nocebo effect.
    but, at the moment, the general consensus of the research group  is that it doesn't exist.

    *he thought that people reporting permanent impotence had some sort of gene activation that destroyed their erectile function forever.
    This is was the research was conducted by the genetic department.

    It would be interesting to know if there is some relation to genes and somebody could check it through 23andMe or other services before starting fin.

    • Like 1
  11. 4 hours ago, 12345 said:

    I saw in a hair loss lecture by Dr. Jerry Shapiro. on his slide it read that oral dutasteride had a half life of 6 months, which I can believe given my experience with it. 

    You probably misunderstood half life with serum concentrations detectable. All data shows that half life is about 5 weeks, even in the prescribed medicine AVODART information says so (https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2008/021319s015lbl.pdf). Yes it can be still detectable after 6 months but that is not half life period. 

  12. I know that you did very extensive research and know more things than most users here. I am wondering why you didn't decide to try Adenosine as Minoxidil alternative. It is natural occurring substance in body and a study shows the same efficiency. 

    My second question. By Trichoxidil with Saw Palmetto you mean TRICHOMETTO? If not, why did you decide that instead of TRICHOMETTO?

    And third question. If Saw Palmetto is going to work it will work by 5ar inhibition. Wouldn't this cause the same sides as finasteride? I mean 5ar is 5ar, why would make Saw Palmetto difference? Maybe the answer is that it is weaker 5ar inhibitor. But wouldn't be the same to just reduce finasteride strength of topical (to something like 0.0005)? Sorry for so many questions, I am in similar situation and thinking to try natural.

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  13. I know that minoxidil alcohol based solution can dry your skin. I noticed a few times in before after photos that people who use minoxidil age their face quite a bit. Not sure if the reason is minoxidil or alcohol. I think that alcohol reduce collagen I read somewhere. 

    Anyway does anybody has any idea how much alcohol is in liposomal solutions comparing to ordinary topical solutions where alcohol is used as carrier? 

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