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Posts posted by Patrick_Joyce

  1. 6 hours ago, Gatsby said:

    @Patrick_Joyce 😂 I'm not sure if I have anything left in the bank as I didn't ask Dr Sethi. But when I get to around 6 months and my donor starts to bounce back 🤞I'll ask him.

    I also find it amazing that you've gotten over 8,000 grafts from your beard despite it being considered "average." And it even looks like there's potentially more that can be taken (if you didn't mind depleting it and not that you need it anyways). It makes you wonder, if average can put out that many hairs, just how many can a heavy beard put out if really pushed.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Gatsby said:

    The benefit of FUT is also, apart from not shaving your head as you would for FUE, that the density of your hair will remain the same. With the exception of a scar left in the donor area, the remaining hair will remain as full as it was prior to surgery. All the best. 

    I never knew this, I always assumed because they have to stretch the two sides of the scar together to close it, that it would pull the scalp and effect the density.

  3. 4 hours ago, jjalay said:


    If you are a higher NW and need crown work you should look at laorwong, maras and nader. Couto and bruno pinto in spain and portugal are also great options. They have a long waiting list and are a little bit expensive at 3 and 5 euros i think but its definitly worth it. If you ask my opinion i wouldnt go with the lower packages from eugenix- They have many failures. I havent  dived deep into the work of camacho because ive never considered him, i ve only seen the results posted in this forum from him.

    I'm not a higher Norwood level. Have no frontal recession or loss; luckily only slight crown thinning.

    As far as eugenics there's five different packages which one would be considered the lowest one that's safe to choose? So you're saying that all of these great results I've seen on here of higher Norwoods at Eugenix that had 8,000+ grafts got the higher packages at like the equivalent of 5 dollars a grafts? That's like over 40,000 dollars!

  4. 26 minutes ago, Z-- said:

    Got it. I'd maybe then stick to Laorwong and Nader. Both are highly affordable and I think have more crown expertise than Pekiner (I'd consider him primarly for frontal work).

    Nader I cannot get a hold of. He responded after the first email then has not responded to any emails since. I'm waiting on a response from Laorwong.

    Side question, do you know if any of these doctors (or others) who do small repair jobs of just a couple hundred grafts? (This questions is for a friend)

  5. 14 hours ago, jjalay said:

    For me it would be laorwong, nader, keser, maras, pekiner, camacho, bicer,fuecapilar, eugenix. If you are a higher nordwood maras, nader, sethi and camacho are the doctors from this list that have proven themselves being succesful constantly with such cases. Avoid the lower packages from eugeniy, it doesnt worth the risk imo.

    Thanks for the reply. I saw there's like 5 different packages with Eugenix, what is the lowest package you would recommend? The highest package with Dr. Sethi I saw price wise is like the equivalent of 5 US dollars per graft. I didn't realize that Eugenix had gotten that expensive. I thought the whole reasons so many people went to them is to have great quality, top notch work done at an affordable price. So all these people I've seen on here who chose the Sethi package and have had like 7,000+ grafts have shelled out way more money than I originally estimated. (Fortunately I don't need anywhere near that amount of grafts I'm just making a statement).

    Also with Dr. Camacho, I did some more research and digging last night and it appears he's had several failed or at the very least poor results with crown work in recent times.

  6. 21 hours ago, Z-- said:

    This is kind of impossible to answer without knowing what you're addressing and what Norwood level you are (and if you take meds).

    For example, I love Pekiner's hairlines, but he's selective with his patients, and if you have extensive loss or diffuse loss, he may not take you on.

    Eugenix tends to do higher Norwoods, but not all packages are created equal. Would you be taking a tech driven package or would you go with Sethi?

    Honestly, from the list above, the one's I'd consider favorites are Laorwong, Pekiner, and Nader.

    Just some minor thinning in the crown that hasn't been resolved with finasteride and to put small number of grafts into a previously worked on scar (not hair transplant related) to add density to it.

  7. Laorwong, Bicer, FUECapilar (Turan or Gur), Pekiner, Keser, Eugenix, Nader, Camacho or HDC?

    These are the doctors/ clinics that I've narrowed down based on the results I've seen, reviews I've read and price range. They also all seem very ethical, not overly aggressive and have a lot of Dr. Involvement. I previously had Dr. Yaman on the list too but it seems more negative feedback is emerging about him recently (even on here) so I took him off the list... (Just to note, there's other great doctors that do amazing work but due to either their price, very long wait list just for even a consult or combination of the two, I'm not considering them. Additionally, I don't require an extensive procedure, repair work or anything like that that would rationalize a much longer wait).

    I know that there's a lot to choose from here but since I like what I've seen from all of them equally and the price range for all of them is reasonable (for me anyways, I don't mean that as a blanket statement for everyone), how do I go from here on deciding on one?

     I would appreciate feedback to further help narrow it down. Who would you choose or recommend and why? Any others not on my list that you feel worth mentioning?

    Also, how many doctors/clinics is acceptable to consult before it becomes overboard lol? How many did you consult with before deciding on one?

  8. 5 minutes ago, beanzzzz said:

    IMO Bicer didn't check all MY boxes.

    Maybe good for you ?

    Thailand, Belgium, Portugal, Brussels, Mexico. These are a few outside the US I came across which hosted ethical and professional Drs. Only my opinion. 

    Where do you go for yours? maybe what's good for you would be good for me too.

  9. 4 minutes ago, beanzzzz said:

    IMO Bicer didn't check all MY boxes.

    Maybe good for you ?

    Thailand, Belgium, Portugal, Brussels, Mexico. These are a few outside the US I came across which hosted ethical and professional Drs. Only my opinion. 

    Ok so basically you are saying without actually saying it that you only really recommend doctors in the United States.

  10. 17 minutes ago, beanzzzz said:

    If budget isnt an issue, I'm sure you can find them. Absolutely some skill to be found. Look into fuecapilar 

    Ok so again, why did you make a blanket statement against turkey in general? You made a statement and now are giving the run around when asked about it... What places do you recommend?

  11. 1 hour ago, beanzzzz said:

    Keep in mind do what's best for you .

    There are some good docs there. Just hit or miss even with them. Check my last post. Left some tips 

    I did read it that's why I was asking you, why are you advising to stay away from turkey as a whole. I thought that they had some of the best there?

  12. 11 hours ago, Steverino80 said:

    Similar to Ajamilos point..

    Whilst I am happy in general with what I received at the clinic, the reason for this forum is to alert others to help make their decision.

    I was there in December. On my transplant day, there was definitely 5 of us that day, I had lunch with one and shared the taxi back with three others. This probably is the reason why the cost of his procedure is low and his availability is high compared to others.

    My only slight issue, halfway through the day there was a different technician who joined and was very rough. I was sore on that side alone for over a week

    Thank you for the reply. Do you know anything about Dr Pekiner? I reached out to his clinic and submitted all the photos and information but never heard back. It's been almost 2 weeks.

  13. 14 hours ago, beanzzzz said:


    Imo, yes. I been on this journey and finally just booked a Dr after 6 months of digging. Spoke to drY. Didn't like how it was alot of hit or misses. Id steer away from turkey and take the time to research more options. Even if you've gotta save $

    Thanks for the reply! So I thought Turkey had some of the best hair transplant surgeons around (obviously minus the hair mills) but you are suggesting to avoid turkey all together?

  14. 20 hours ago, Melvin- Admin said:

    I don’t believe that’s a fair assessment. Last I spoke with Dr. Yaman, he assured me he was involved in every surgery and only one technician was doing extractions and he has been there for a long time. Are you basing this off what anonymous people say on Reddit? I will reach out to his patients here to verify.

    Yes could you please!? I've also seen some of those comments on Reddit. 

    You verifying with some of his former patients would help to clarify if some of these comments are just rumors or not and if the quality of his work has declined or not.

  15. Just now, BeHappy said:

    I believe he is still a very low cost option. I haven't checked his prices lately, but if that hasn't changed then he is a much better low cost choice than any of the hundreds of hair mills in Turkey, so if you are trying to get a HT done in Turkey cheaply without getting botched, Dr Yaman may be who you want.


    So he's not a hair mill then? I mean I know he's on the list of recommended surgeons here but I have seen several not so good reviews or comments about him here. And comments indicating that he has minimal involvement and techs do most of the work.

  16. I know that Dr. Yaman in Turkey is one of the forum recommended surgeons and from looking he has many many good reviews and cases that include before and after pictures.

    Lately however, I've been seeing more posts or replies in different threads recommending against him or advising not to go to him... Or on the flip side, if someone asks for recommendations on hair transplant surgeons in Turkey, I've noticed lately that some people will mention many other doctors but not say anything about Dr. Yaman.

    Although he's still on the form recommended list, in all of your personal opinions, is Dr. Yaman still one of the top surgeons in Turkey or recommended surgeons to go to?


    I'm wondering why I've seen more replies lately recommending against him, has the quality of his work gone down or something?

  17. 16 minutes ago, Berba11 said:

    I get that. Obviously this is 'by the way' given we're past the 15th of Jan now, but I was rather suggesting that you have a few dates in mind *with the clinic*, and then put in for your first choice at work. I assume if those dates are rejected by your work, you can then request different dates. So the idea would be to have backup options with the clinic in case your initial request at work is declined.

    But only getting one week paid per year + no guarantees you'll get your desired dates sounds very brutal to me. What do you do?

    Icu nurse in a hospital.

    Well all the vacation times that have been granted and approved will be posted March 1st. So at that point I guess I can see what slots have not been taken and then ask the director if it's possible to take time during one of those slots.

    • Like 1
  18. 24 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

    Can you not just get a medical certificate stating you had to take leave owing to a medical condition? You could be creative as you need to be. It is surgery and you could make up some dermatological excuse?

    Well that's what I was referring to for FMLA (for those in other countries, that stands for family and medical leave act here in the states). But I I can't just say I'm going out on medical leave without documentation. I would need a letter from the doctor stating that I am out for medical reason (doesn't have to state what specifically). But when I brought this up to the surgeon he was acting so confused and just kept repeating, "why don't you just request vacation time."

  19. 1 hour ago, Otis james said:

    I’ve no idea what that is, but I went back to work (a roofer) 4 days after surgery…. I think, if you’re careful, you can go back sooner than you think…. 

    The problem isn't about going back to work the problem is about getting the time time off to begin with... At this point I can't request vacation time to be able to use it for the hair transplant procedure. We have to put in all of our vacation requests for the upcoming year by January 15th. Not only that but whatever time we put in for goes by seniority, so if I put in for a week and one of the several people above me put in for it I'm not going to get it. 

  20. 1 hour ago, Berba11 said:

    Is it that hard to coordinate? Can you ask your prospective surgeon to hold two or three dates for you whilst you put in your time off requests? That way if one gets rejected you have others dates to aim for. You’ll surely be given one of your preferred dates. 

    Yes it is that hard because I only get one week a year right now and we have to request all of our vacation time for the year by January 15th so it's too late at this point. And if we have one week we could only put in for one particular week. We can't put in for a variety of weeks with hopes that we'll end up getting one of them. 


    Even if it was before January 15th, if I put in for the week and somebody more senior than me put in for it, I wouldn't get it but I wouldn't know that until after January 15th when vacation times are posted, and at that point, the window to put in vacation requests already closed so I wouldn't have any further options.

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