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Posts posted by defiance79

  1. 2 hours ago, Wingtsun said:


    hey man. How is everything looking? Do you have any update pictures?


    On 1/25/2024 at 12:49 AM, Anon94 said:

    How are you looking these days?


    Hey lads,


    Update pics below taken at the recently passed 5.5month and 6 month mark. The feedback from the clinic is that this is great progress at 6 months, but my concern about density was responded to by them reassuring me that if the density does not increase over the next 6 months, they will touch it up for free.


    All in all, im very happy thus far. Happy to hear others opinions.






  2. Ok update. 

    I am worrying that I have pitting. I have attached pictures which I took yesterday exactly 1 month after the procedure. There has been some shedding but nothing massive like others talk about, but perhaps that will accelerate as it seems to have started over the last week. I really hope this will get better as the skin heels and the swollen skin is what is causing this pitted look. I also shaved my head to a number 3 a few days ago as the longer the hair gets, the more obvious the pits are - I got the ok from the clinic to shave it. Thoughts and opinions appreciated.








  3. 40 minutes ago, streethawk said:

    Yes tbh I’m not entirely sure how long it was - but I arrived at 7am and left around 4pm - might have been closer to 8 hours and yes it included everything. Worth noting I seemed to be the only person there and Dr Patty was instructing a very large and efficient team which might speed things along considerably.


    will upload some pre surgery pics in the coming days.

  4. Saw Dr Patty and the team yesterday and have to say it was a pretty impressive experience - from the moment I walked in every step was co-ordinated and prepared. This is one organised and professional team.

    Upon her arrival her assistant Kleverly (who, as an aside, is stunningly beautiful) got me to fill out forms with relevant information. I was then taken to a room where one of the staff washed my hair in preparation for being looked at by Dr Patty.

    Then met Dr Patty who looked at my scalp and did her calculations as to what would be needed - 4272 - more than I expected but in terms of density it made me feel confident - the focus was going to be on getting density at the front with putting grafts with multiple hairs predominantly at the back. I have included a breakdown of the density Dr Patty provided at the end of the day.

    The procedure itself was a good 6-7 hours - Dr Patty present for the majority of the time and doing all the incisions herself and some of the placement with assistance. They ordered and provided me lunch. It really was not painful at all and the anaesthetic worked a charm - felt more "weird" then anything else.

    Following the procedure I was given a bag with fin, minox, plus antibiotics they want me to start taking straight away. They also give you a ridiculous looking chefs hat to be worn for 2 weeks when leaving the hotel or house. Im hanging around for 4 days to get the healing checked each day by the clinic as well as use their laser hair helmets. Also gave me saline spray and to top it off a letter for customs regarding medication when I head back to Australia. I cannot comment on the hair results yet but my experience with the clinic I really cannot fault. 10 out of 10 and 5 stars. Also, very very reasonably priced and I cannot imagine their prices will remain like this for long. 4272 for 1730,000 baht ($7325 AU).

    Pics below and I will update my results as we move forward.









  5. I have been doing my research and receiving assessments from various reputable hair transplant clinics. All of them have been in the 3000-4000 graft range.

    HairTran clinic have said 3500-3800 grafts for either the crown or front only, and told me they focus on only one area at a time. If I want to do the front they recommend coming back in 6-12 months time. This seems quite different to what other clinics are quoting me for the same graft amount for crown and front hairline.

    Here are my pics:






    Anyone know if this is standard practice for Dr Patty - working on particular parts of the scalp only? Is this too many grafts just for my crown or front?

    Any opinions would be appreciated lads.

  6. 1 minute ago, Gatsby said:

    There are too many top surgeon’s recommended on this forum. Why risk everything on an unknown? I would look at the names I mentioned but don’t go to Turkey with the aim of saving money. That is a one way ticket for disaster!! 

    Appreciate the advice. I am from Australia but happy to travel as I dont trust anyone local - who would you recommend internationally?

  7. 4 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

    It states trusted by 50,000+ patients and 1,000 plus surgeries? I would give this one a wide berth. What made you choose this over Dr Bicer, Dr Pekineer, Dr Yaman, etc?

    Honestly, the doctor posts some great videos on his website and social media explaining a lot. One surgery a day and with the top package he would be involved heavily.

    Also, this guys experience at the clinic:


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