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Posts posted by RoJo

  1. Nok:  very helpful.  I'm now at Day 9 and there is some relief. (Day 6 was brutal) 

    I'm still sleeping with a neck pillow as I'm worried I would hurt the grafts up until Day 10.  So tomorrow night I will start side sleeping, but I think you're totally right--when the back of the head is buzz cut and donor area, it's a bit too much.

  2. Need some help!

    Today, I'm Day 7 after a two-day, 5K FUE treatment at a highly-regarded clinic in Canada.  The procedure went very well.  I developed a slight infection on Day 1 post procedure.  They changed my antibiotics and it cleared up right away.  I stayed in Canada until Day 4 to do hair washes at the clinic and ensure all was good. It was.

    On Day 6, I sent the clinic photos to check in.  The doctor reviewed them and said it was looking good.  (The clinic is very responsive and good)

    However, the night of Day 6 itching grew in intensity.  It was so intense that it kept me up last night.  It modulates between my head feeling like it’s on fire to small bugs boring in and out of my scalp.   It was bad.  It’s was most intense in the donor area.  I’m hoping this is normal as the scabs are just sloughing off and this is what is causing it.  The recipient area is itchy, but I really don’t feel it that much (thank goodness)  But, that may be because the donor area itch is so intense it masks the itchiness in the recipient area.


    1.  Is this normal?

    2.  How long does it last? 

    3.  Any recommendations on relief methods?

    Below are Day 6 (on left, more red) and Day 7 (on right, calmer looking)his normal? 

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    scalp day 6 itch.jpg

    scalp day 7 itch.jpg

  3. Thanks for the response.   This morning it was ok, by noon my left eye was shut.  I went to the clinic, they said it was normal, but wanted to check with the forum--so truly appreciate you advice.  It's now 4pm and the swelling--while still major--has gone down.    I'M

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  4. Hi Everyone.

    I just had a 2 day procedure and transplanted 5,000 graft.  I went to a highly regarded clinic in Canada.  It was a very good experience.

    The procedure was Monday and Tuesday.  However, today (Weds) I have significant swelling.  My left eye is swollen closed and it's very freaky.  I was sleeping at about a 40% degree.  Not sitting up but definitely on a solid angle to allow for drainage.  So I thought I had avoided the swelling.  Today in the morning it was ok and by noon, my eye was swollen closed

    1.  Should I be concerned

    2.  How long does this last.

    3.  is there anything I can do to move the swelling along--massage, drink a lot of water, etc.



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