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Posts posted by Aregularman

  1. 57 minutes ago, streethawk said:

    Pekiner, by all accounts is more of a hairline specialist, and thus perhaps not necessarily the first choice for high nws. Defreitas, is similar, and as I understand he is more selective about what cases he takes on. 

    I emailed DeFretias my pics along with many other Drs through this site and he rejected me, as according to my pics, my donor was too weak for a transplant. 

    I am now just over 3 and a half months post op with Laorwong. As already mentioned he is good with higher Nws and no regrets so far- touch wood.


    I understand, hope everything goes according to plan! I'm interested about the hairline, which of them does it more naturally. I can see that both does the implants in random patterns so that's a bonus for wearing short hair. Both pekiner and Laorwong quoted between 2000-2400 grafts 

  2. 13 hours ago, Coffee_bean said:

    Hey mate. I had everything narrowed down to Pekiner, Laorwong, and Freitas. To be honest, I really wanted Pekiner. However, Pekiner rejected me and wanted to “wait a year” and see how my thinning progressed. Both Freitas and Laorwong felt Finasteride + topical Minoxidil gave me marked improvement, so they offered me appointments. 

    I decided on Dr Laorwong due to his hairline designs, density and availability. He also does not use rows, which was important for me, as I’ll buzz my hair down from time to time. As far as overall end results, I scoured clients pictures for all three docs and honestly couldn’t see any difference as far as producing dense hairlines.

    Currently just at 5 weeks post op from Dr Laorwong. Feel free to reach out. 

    I saw your post, looks good man! I can't pm due to regulations. How old are you if I may ask? 

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  3. Hello, I've been lurking in this site for almost a year. I've made up my mind with two doctors, Dr Pekiner and Dr Kongkiat Laorwong. Both are very good and produce natural results, however pekiner has a long waitlist. Any advice? 

    Laorwong patients are free to pm me their journey, and also pekiners patients please! 

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