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Posts posted by rabbit

  1. Hey there, 

    Forgive me for the lengthy post. I'm new to this forum and to HT in general. I'm 27 years old, nearly 28, but I have had a poor hairline pretty much my entire life and a history of MPB in my family. I felt like starting from the age of 18 or so, my hair situation began to deteriorate more quickly, especially near the crown of my head where it feels like it is most noticeable. I have also always had pretty fine hair on the top of my head. Starting probably around the age of 22 or 23, I started taking finasteride orally but even after a few years, I never noticed much of a difference. Eventually, I started noticing sexual side effects as well and I stopped taking it. I've been meaning to start using finasteride/minoxidil topically perhaps to sidestep the sexual side effects but haven't started that yet. Recently I've been doing my research strongly considering HT but I have several questions and I would love to get the opinion of those with more experience and knowledge than myself. 

    • Has anyone seen a pattern similar to mine? What would this rate on a NW scale? Are there any good examples of people with similar pattern/age having good results that I can look at and learn from?
    • Does anyone have recommendations on surgeons in the US? I am located in the NYC area but I spend a pretty good amount of time on the West Coast as well, and besides I'm willing to travel pretty much anywhere within the country for a good surgeon. I am flexible on cost and would prefer to stay within the country if possible
    • Recommendations on FUT vs. FUE for my case? I am leaning towards FUE because I don't like the idea of a more visible scar, but I'd love to hear more opinions










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