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Posts posted by Ant339

  1. I was told today by Dr Nadimi's office she charges 10$ per graft. I need approximately 1500 grafts. Do you guys think it's worth it? After a lot of research I was going to go with her but virtually everyone in this thread (posted by someone else) seems to think it's an exaggerated price: (2) Is Dr Nadimi worth the money? I’m being quoted $9 a graft at 1500-1700 grafts. : HairTransplants (reddit.com)



  2. Thanks for the advice! I just spoke with SMG this morning and they recommnded 1600-2000 grafts. I think I'll try oral minoxidil before getting a surgery. I got pretty similar impressions for both doctors. I was told by SMG that you can choose which surgeon does your transplant, so I only researched Ron. I wonder why some people are choosing Josephitis? As for waiting time with Nadimi, reception told me it's about 3 months to get a consultation, and then another 6 months for the surgery.

  3. Hello, after a lot of research I'm hesitating between these 2 doctors for my HT. I included some pictures of my hair so I was wondering if either is better suited for what I'm working with (thin diffuse hairloss mostly at the front and top of head). I'm under the inpression Dr Nadimi is more expensive, is the price gap justified? Also I read Dr Shapiro implants in rows on reddit, can anyone validate that? He has a whole section on his website about how to make HT look natural so I'd find it surprising he implants in rows. I reached out to Nadimi and she suggestes 1500 grafts, as for Shapiro I haven't had a consultation yet. Any advice would be appreciated! 





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