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chocolate cake

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Posts posted by chocolate cake

  1. It‘s the same question I‘m dealing with. 

    Pros Ferreira:

    - he‘s doing temple points regularly, likes them a bit sharp and angular though

    - his hairlines seem a little bit softer to me, usually no multiple grafts

    - high-quality resolution pictures 

    Pros Pekiner:

    - he’s cheaper (3€ vs. 4€/graft)

    - much more patient reviews out there on several platforms 

    - apparently rejects patients in person sometimes if he assumes there are physiological problems that speak against transplantation, no operation when he‘s not convinced of getting a good result -> that’s hard but ethical and the right thing to do and therefore a pro in my opinion 


    I do think that both usually restore natural hairlines. Pekiners hairlines are usually well-shaped and very dense, in rare cases the graft survival has not been optimal and there are also several reviews that show multiple grafts in the hairline which can cause a pluggy appearance. 

    Ferreira is 1€ more expensive per graft. Do you think he‘s better than Pekiner and worth the extra money or is it a bit overpriced in European comparison? Do you see Pekiner and the Portuguese doctors on the same level with identical quality?


  2. How do things develop, are you happy with your results so far Turkhair? No pressure and of course this is Jarrod‘s thread, so we should not use this thread talking about your results too much, however I’d be interested too as you said you were disappointed, and couldn’t manage to find any pictures here nor send you a message. He’s one of the surgeons I consider too, that’s why I ask.

  3. 35 minutes ago, Melvin- Admin said:

    Ahhh that makes sense. Personally, I went to Dr. Sethi, you can see my results. That said, I am a big fan of Couto. His results are insane. Though, the wait list is a few years. 

    Yeah I‘ve seen it, congratulations! A marathon that was worth it. Dr. Sethi is producing great results. 
    It’s true Couto has an enormous wait list, but there is probably no better proof of quality as a very long wait list. I also think he has amazing results and I‘d prefer a great result over a quick solution. 

    How do you feel about Ferreira and Pekiner? They have long wait lists as well and are booked more than solidly, but not nearly as long as Couto. I guess it’s because in public perception, they haven‘t yet reached this luminary status Couto has. But it seems they‘re catching up, they’re cheaper and maybe quite close though in terms of quality.

  4. Hey guys,


    my plan is to restore the receding hairline, lower it a bit and to create temple points that suit my face. It‘s roughly about 3k grafts that I’ll need for this procedure. My donor estimation according to two well-known surgeons which I met in person is between 7 and 8k grafts. I like Koniors and Ahmads work the most, but they‘re too expensive for me.


    How do you feel about the following surgeons?


    • Couto
    • Ferreira
    • Sethi
    • Pekiner


    Are those four all on the same level quality wise? Is it the same category? Which one would you personally choose and why? Is there one you wouldn‘t go with or who is not on equal level quality wise?


    Thanks in advance

  5. Sure. Once a certain fame and demand is reached it often starts to become disproportionate compared to other surgeons. This is a general tendency and no judgment on Couto who has stellar results, mostly with Spanish or Mediterranean patients who tend to have thick dark hair though. But it’s out of question that he has some stunning results.

    It‘s hard to estimate whether it‘s really worth it to pay the 2-3 extra € on top given the fact that we are speaking of other doctors with proven track record as an alternative of course.


    @Turkhair Why do you regret your choice and what is your experience?

  6. @Turkhair Why do you wish that? What is your own experience?


    People usually are ready to pay for felt security. Often for good reasons. I think that you tend to get what you pay for. Sometimes it could be a bit disproportionate though.


    Wages and living costs in Turkey are way lower compared to Western Europe or United States. This difference can result in higher pricing while it does not necessarily mean that there is always a noticeable difference in quality as well. Never in life would I set foot in a tipical hair mill clinic. But the price Pekiner affords is quite high compared to other Turkish surgeons and he’s not a classic hair mill.

  7. Hey guys,


    narrowing down I came across two potential options concerning surgery. Both surgeons seem to be quite meticulous, doing every step of surgery on their own with procedures that sometimes take several days. Waiting time is about one year each. Prices are 4€/graft (Ferreira) vs. 2,85€ (Pekiner).


    My personal goals (29yo, NW3, Finasteride since several years which eventually stabilized my hair loss) are mainly hairline restoration, correcting the receding hairline and maybe also focusing on temple points. I have a naturally big forehead which I‘d like to reduce visually, so I think that besides a proper hairline lowering temple points could definitely frame shape and appearance of a face in a significant way and help to ‘tighten‘ facial appearance a bit, making the forehead thus look not that big anymore.


    Both of the above mentioned surgeons are a bit on the rather aggressive side I’d say. I like Pekiners hairline results which is most important to me, there are many patient reviews online, nonetheless he seems to absolutely focus on hairlines as I did not really see any temple point work. Do you know whether he’s skilled in this field too though and have you seen some nice temple point results? Ferreira does have fewer results and patient reports online, tends to stay a bit higher with hairlines sometimes, not as conservative as Pinto for instance, but he‘s doing temple work in most of his cases actually. He unfortunately increased his prices noticeably within a short period of time.


    Which one out of those two would you personally prefer and why? Which surgeon would you recommend in general for temple point work?



    Thank you

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