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Posts posted by killbyinches

  1. I started taking propecia about 2 weeks ago and almost immediately my sex drive went through the roof. I am constantly horny and thinking about sex all the time. From the research I've been doing online propecia should have the exact opposite effect. I've stopped taking the drug a few days ago and my sex drive is returning to normal. Has anyone else had a similar reaction to propecia?

  2. you can roll up a towel and place it at the base of your neck. that'll help you sleep with minimal pressure on the donor area.


    i'm curios when you had your procedure done who did the actual impants the doctor or the techs. i've been doing a lot or research and it seems most doctors have techs that perform the follicle implant. they're not even nurses just minimum wage help. so far i've found only two docs who perform the entire procedure themselvs. they are dr. thomas law in nyc and dr ray woods in australia, and both these docs have wonderful and consitant results.


    i tried calling h&w but they wouldn't give me a straight answer as to who performs the implants.


    your response is apprciated. thank you

  3. hi skoom,

    oral minoxidil is a very strong blood pressure medication. so unless you have high blood pressure you should not be taking oral minoxidil. are you taking the oral minoxidil under a doctors supervision and instruction? if not it could be dangerous. as a side effect oral minoxidil does grow hair on your scalp.

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