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Posts posted by synz

  1. i was just wondering where the best place in the uk is to purchase finasteride? if anyone can post any links would be very helpfull


    also is there a page on ths site which lists all the approvd ht surgeons? - i cannot find it!! if someone could post a link for this would also be very helpful thanks

  2. so you both agree that minoxidil and propecia would be my best options in your experiences. i guess different things work for different people. would thses products help to regrow hair on the hairline, as i have read they usually are taken for the crown area, which is not a problem for me at the minute?? i am currently using minoxidil and it has little inconvenience is propecia as convenient.. thanks for your help

  3. hi i am postin about my current program for hair regrowth and am lookin to share my experience and get peoples opinions/ experiences/ advice from others who have/have not used this or a similar program.


    i am 22 and started receeding at about 17 i wanted to do something about it and visited a couple of clinics to see what they could sugguest the first offered me some products which i believs was propecia/finasteride a shampoo or a solution which you rub into your scalp. i declined this at the time as i was young i wasnt prepared to pay the cost and also believed i was being paranoid or vain!!..


    i started my course now in may which is a laser course with ahs and also uses monoxidil and a shampoo.. i also took some pills for the first 6 weeks.. at the time i started my hairline had receeded fairly far back and was goin thiner in the middle at the front.i had no hair loss around the crown area just at the hairline area.. i have definetely seen improvements my hair is thicker in the front middle and my hairline is moving forward. i have baby hairs coming through and it is lookin as though my hairline will be back straight in a couple of months..


    it seems to be goin as planned but i have read some things which have made think i have paid over the odds at ??2000 (apparntly with 50% discount) and have not read many positive reviews about laser or ahs.. would i have been better off jus using monoxidil alone and no laser?.. if so where can i buy it?.. will i have to keep using monoxidil or other products?? would i have been better off using the first program i mentioned?.. as i said it seems to be going well at the minute i just want to share my experience and research more about the treatments.. any feedbackk would be much appreciated thankyou

  4. hi i am postin about my current program for hair regrowth and am lookin to share my experience and get peoples opinions/ experiences/ advice from others who have/have not used this or a similar program.


    i am 22 and started receeding at about 17 i wanted to do something about it and visited a couple of clinics to see what they could sugguest the first offered me some products which i believs was propecia/finasteride a shampoo or a solution which you rub into your scalp. i declined this at the time as i was young i wasnt prepared to pay the cost and also believed i was being paranoid or vain!!..


    i started my course now in may which is a laser course with ahs and also uses monoxidil and a shampoo.. i also took some pills for the first 6 weeks.. at the time i started my hairline had receeded fairly far back and was goin thiner in the middle at the front.i had no hair loss around the crown area just at the hairline area.. i have definetely seen improvements my hair is thicker in the front middle and my hairline is moving forward. i have baby hairs coming through and it is lookin as though my hairline will be back straight in a couple of months..


    it seems to be goin as planned but i have read some things which have made think i have paid over the odds at ??2000 (apparntly with 50% discount) and have not read many positive reviews about laser or ahs.. would i have been better off jus using monoxidil alone and no laser?.. if so where can i buy it?.. will i have to keep using monoxidil or other products?? would i have been better off using the first program i mentioned?.. as i said it seems to be going well at the minute i just want to share my experience and research more about the treatments.. any feedbackk would be much appreciated thankyou

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