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Posts posted by DerekDerek

  1. Hi, i wonder if anyone could answer my query, i had a 3500 grafts transplanted 3 days ago in Istanbul with Dr Yaman, i was advised only to use the saline when the recipient area become itchy by the nurse. Note: I had my first hairwash at the clicnic the following day after the op. Today is the 3rd day, im yet to use the saline. When i did some reseach last night i have seen a lot doctors mentioned to keep the recipient area moist to speed up the healing process, some said use the saline spray every 30mins whereas some mentioned every 2hrs...this is totally against the advice given by my clicnic, i am quite confused, i will contact the clicnic but would be good if anyone would shed some light on this matter, thanks.

  2. Thanks guys, appreciated your advice.

    @duckling I am aware of Dr Yaman "modified micromotor FUE", but not sure if it's really that much different than those ordinary versions as everyone can claim theirs are better than others, its hard to verify from our end.

    For those who are interested, see below:



    Dr. Resul Yaman, has developed a new and exciting surgical instrument for Follicular Unit Excision (formerly known as follicular unit extraction) called the “Modified FUE-Yaman Implanter”. The “Modified FUE-Yaman Implanter” is different than other follicular unit implanters, because the grafts have minimal contact with the patients skin and the surgeons forceps. The “Modified FUE-Yaman Implanter” is an instrument used to transplant follicular units in to the patient’s recipient zone (scalp). This device was designed to reduce physical contact to the patients grafts. By reducing the amount of physical contact, the grafts and the scalp experience less trauma, which lead to a greater graft survival and faster healing.

    By Transplanting  many hair follicles, It is possible to get dense and natural results.The serial incision capability of micromotor allows to get more hair follicles.

    Taking so many hair follicles  requires a long time to be tranplanted. Thus, hair follicles stay  out for a long time and get damaged. Micromotor  is a devise can reach high speed  so it may damage hair follicles.

    Our modification has two main objective:Firstly,by using micromotor at low speed prevents  hair follicles damages arising from  heating  and breaks.Secondly, It aims to reduce the duration of hair follicles staying out.

    However, the operation is being performed  by taking 1000 unit hair follicles incrementally. In this modification  after taking and transplanting  1000 hair follicles the operation moves on the other 1000 ones. When the  procedure is repeated  four times a day,4000 hair follicles are transplanted healthily.

    By this means, hair follicles staying out duration is from 15 to 45 minutes which  is also the  ideal time  for majör organ transplantations.

  3. Hello everyone,

    I will be really grateful if I can have some advice from your guys. I received a reply from Dr. Yaman's case manager after sending my photos to them (I am a NW6; 44 year-old asian with a huge recipient area); they have proposed 3 options:

    Option 1 - 4000 grafts by micromotor extraction; return 12 months later for second treatment ($3,250).

    Option 2 - 3000 grafts by manual extraction; return 12 months later;  ($3,000).

    Option 3 - 5500 grafts by manual extraction that will be performed in two-day session ($$ not been advised; but I reckon probably $6000).

    When I asked about the difference between motor vs manual; the case manager advised that the manual extraction is more safer and gentle; it will do less harm to the donor area. However I've seen people mentioning the motorised extraction has evolved (improved) a lot since these years; the rotating speed has been tuned down; generated less heat plus other advantages. Some have mentioned there are downsides of manual extraction; i.e. humon errors during extraction due to long hour procedure etc. It seems like there is no conclusive answer on this topic yet. 

    I have opted for Option 2; but deep down I prefer Option 1 as I will get more grafts implanted and it will be done quicker (provided there is 4000 grafts available...). I have disregarded Option 3 as I do not believe they will be able to get that amount of grafts from my donor area.  

    Can I have your views on this please; i.e. have I made the right decision to go for Option 2? I have attached some photos of my hair. Many thanks in advance. 

    6. Left_Rev.jpg

    6. Right_Rev.jpg

    7. Top_Rev.jpg

    8. Back_Rev.jpg

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