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Posts posted by telecaster31

  1. 11 weeks today

    • Hair is wet (post shower)
    • I think I'm still in the "ugly duckling phase"
    • The redness is pretty much gone
    • My left side has actually sprouted a fair amount of transplanted hairs
    • My right side is moving slower
    • Lots of pimples (apparently a good thing)
    • The majority of the hair at the frontal line is native hair that is slowly growing back (they shaved a bit of it but it all came back immediately)
      • I was relieved to see this as it means Dr. Nader was careful to ensure no damage to native hairs

    What are your thoughts? 



  2. Hey @DaMoce9 my total cost was ~$4,000 (I have a feeling it will be some of the best money I've ever spent)

    he offers a 10% discount if you pay at least 50% cash (which I did)

    Regarding getting in touch, I suppose I got a bit lucky. I was sure to offer as much detail as possible in the initial email. I emailed him in December 2022, he got back to me within a week. I scheduled for April 2023 (his earliest at the time). 

    As you can tell, he didn't shave my head and I am grateful for that. My native hair covers the surgical area (for the most part) and no one notices. My skin healed REALLY fast and I had virtually no remaining redness at month 2. 

    Happy to answer any questions. I'll share some pictures at the four-month mark. Recovery has been easy and I've even noticed some new hairs at month 2. 

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  3. 8 hours ago, duckling said:

    You probably didn’t need the surgery.

    but since your hair loss looks not that aggressive (maybe because of you taking meds at right time, bravo👏) so definitely using something under 1000 grafts was an option.

    now coming to the work. The asymmetrical hairline is nicely created by surgeon , so the design is great . It looks like a clean work in graft extraction too. 
    No reason why the results wont come for you. Keep taking meds and keep updating us with progress pics. 

    I appreciate your comment :) You're right. There were times when I second-guessed receiving the procedure. However, I'm approaching 5 years on meds and the slight recession has bothered me for some time now. As a fair-skinned blonde guy that can't grow a beard, the hair becomes a big part of your identity lol. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    This will be an interesting case to follow. I think Dr. Nader is an excellent surgeon. I’ll be following this thread closely.

    Thank you. Do you have any initial thoughts on the design/density? I am not an expert lol but I think he may have nailed it... It's an odd feeling to receive this type of procedure because the results don't reveal themselves for such a long time.

  5. Background

    • 30 y/o
    • started receding in late 2015
    • started medical therapy in late 2018 (fin + min)
    • responded well, virtually stopped the loss, and experienced regrowth, with no side effects


    • Restore what I had lost before medical therapy (the corners)
    • Maintain a natural look (mild recession)
    • Do not lower the hairline but add density to the front if possible

    Consulted with hair transplant surgeons/clinics in Connecticut, NYC, Istanbul, and London

    5 minutes into speaking with Dr. Nader via FaceTime, I knew he was the one.

    Later down the journey, I will post a full report on my overall experience with him and his team (hint: it was a 10/10)

    I will also post some general advice if you choose to go with Nader

    The procedure was done on 4/13, 2023.

    Total: 901 grafts

    • Singles: 221 (blended across the front)
    • Doubles: 383 
    • Triples: 266 
    • Quads: 31 

    He is as ethical as they come. So, he hesitates to do any type of aggressive work that may result in an unnatural look or an over-harvested donor area. However, after I assured him I would continue medical therapy, he agreed we could do a “fairly aggressive” approach. He nailed the corners and added as many singles to the front as he could without interrupting the blood supply of native hair. 

    You will notice the line is not perfectly symmetrical. It is a bit staggered. I’ve seen this produce great results with his other patients and hope it adds to a natural look down the line. He said things should “even out” as it progresses.

    Let me know your thoughts on density and design, happy to answer any questions :)

    Btw, I have since cleaned that comb, lol













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