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Posts posted by gohawks77

  1. 3 hours ago, mavigo said:

    Why would you shave if you are going to do an FUT? Isn't it normal practice to keep your hair long so that the sutures will be covered? I didn't cut my hair for my first FUT

    Assuming you are shaving the the whole head, recipient & donor area; you will blatantly have your extremely visible linear scar for all to see. 

    Unless FUT is truly the best option as advised by numerous well-qualified physicians, I would never recommend an FUT. FUE is best option, IMO. 

    For both of my procedures, the top was kept long because I think it helps the physician to "envision" how to plant the grafts knowing how the existing hair looks when it is longer. 

    I am wanting to thicken my frontal third and fill some of my temporal corners. I have a good amount of native hair there but do not want to shave it. 

  2. 56 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

    I really wasn't looking forward to shaving my head in January for my second surgery after waiting a whole year to see my final results from my first hair transplant. But whatever you can do to make your surgeon and his or her team's job easier is in your long term best interests. You want to do everything you can to maximize your results and if that means shaving then by all means.

    Thank you for your input!

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