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Posts posted by Avishek

  1. Thank you guys for your comments.

    I am not hesitant to opt for surgical methods. I was more looking to get some recommendations on doctors who does scalp analysis to know if I have blood issue or something else. Having said, if I have some blood issue or hormonal issue, then even hair transplant wouldn't last long. Any doctor names or medical centres from your experiences would be greatly appreciated.

  2. My age is in early 30s and I am from South-Asian subcontinent. But I lived most of my life in middle-east (extreme hot climate) and now recently moved to North-America (extreme cold climate). I am losing significant portion of my hair. I am planning to have a good affordable and reliable doctor to consult with who instead of directly recommending to hair transplant, tries to understand my scalp and then gives appropriate solution. I am open to any suggestion, particularly in Turkey. I am planning to have vacation trip to Turkey soon, so I was wondering, if anybody could share their experiences and doctors that were helpful in drawing out a good solution plan.

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