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Posts posted by pultarmi

  1. I know that 2.5 months is very early. The only reason I am thinking about the 3rd HT now is that I heard that top surgeons like Pekiner have 6-12 months waiting list and I don't want to waste this time when I know there is something to fix anyways. I have no intention to go for 3rd translant less than 10-12 months after the last one. (The real thing is, I had the second HT just before discovering this forum and reddit forum and the nice results meny of you have and then I went very upset about going to a "random" local clinic and having this questionable outcome).

    I am still tempted to go for NW0, because I use topical finasteride and minoxidil and hairloss has been stable now for 3 years (and absolutely no sign of diffuse thinning or crown thinning). I also hate to look at the patchy NW0 area where some hair are still left (mainly on the right side).

    Thank you very much for suggestions, I don't have budget restrictions - don't ask me how much the first two HTs cost me lol. I kind of like Pekiner dense NW0-2 hairlines and have seen a very nice Mwamba repair case. Bicer and Bisanga also sound good, but haven't seen any repair case from them. Fuecapilar and HLC are a no for me as I think I have seen a botched case from each on reddit.

    Here are pics 2 days after 2nd surgery, would love to hear what you think about this (roundness, hair angless, etc.) - if you tell me it looks ok and I am unreasonable, then I may postpone my thoughts about 3rd HT.






  2. Hi,

    I am planning a HT repair and would appreciate any tips when it comes to surgeon choice or your experience.

    I had two HTs, 800 grafts each, last one was 2.5 months ago (previous 2 years back). Yes, density will likely improve, but there are still issues like some bad hair angles near temples and too rounded layout overall. I went to a local surgeon for these surgeons and want to get it done properly this time with a top surgeon in Turkey or Europe, ideally to get the hairlie drawn in black (can't be much higher due to still existing native hairs in patches).

    Thank you!





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