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Posts posted by galOren

  1. 23 minutes ago, Rahal Hair Transplant said:


    I think it’s good that you’ve been doing your research. So since you have stated you’ve been researching hair transplant surgery and have been a part of this community for years, where have you gotten so far? Have you consult with any doctors? Have you decided on undergoing a procedure?  What have doctors said about your particular case and possibly how many grafts you would need versus what you have available?

    As I’m sure you’re aware from your research, hair transplant surgery is about supply versus demand. You have a lot of existing thinning and as a result you won’t have enough donor hair available to restore a full head of hair.  But, that’s not to say that something can’t be done to produce a significant cosmetic improvement.  It’s hard to tell by your photos of your donor area. It appears to be average to maybe potentially below average   This is why I’m curious to hear what doctors have said if you have consulted with any.

    So at this point, the two things you really need to determine are whether or not you are a good candidate for hair transplant surgery and if you want to proceed with it (I’m considering these one thing because they’re very much related) and if you are proceeding, which doctor/clinic you’ve decided on.

    So to help you with your research, I provided some steps below which I post pretty often regarding the best ways to ultimately find the best surgeon for you.

    Rahal Hair Transplant

    How to Select an outstanding hair transplant surgeon. 

    1.  Start by looking at the surgeons recommended by this community, in particular the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.  Surgeons recommended by this community have met a demanding set of standards and are approved based on meeting those high standards.  Many online hair surgeon memberships don’t have any criteria other than to pay a membership fee.  Furthermore, physician members of the coalition have met an even higher and more demanding set of standards and have proven to be amongst the best of the best in the profession.

    2. Now even amongst a list of outstanding surgeons, not all surgeons are created equally. Therefore, while it’s tempting to select a surgeon based on price or location, try to avoid this as many individuals travel great distances to undergo surgery with an elite surgeon they are most impressed with. Thus choose a surgeon based on their proven ability to produce outstanding results rather than because of cost or location.

    3. Narrow your selection down to 3 to 5 surgeons you are most impressed with.  You can do this by using this discussion forum and others to view examples of patient results posted by both the clinic and their patients.  Speak with and meet with real patients in person if possible. If not, video chat works pretty well.

    4. Come up with a list of consult questions to ask each surgeon/clinic you are considering. I’ve created several different posts on this forum with good questions to ask doctors.  If you need help coming up with a list of good questions, please let me know.


    5. Consult with each doctor you are considering and ultimately, choose the surgeon you feel can best meet your goals.

    I hope this helps  

    Rahal Hair Transplant 


    First of all TNX for your detailed comment I really appreciate it .

    Till now I mostly based on recomandition and results that Ive seen In my country and mainly in turkey, I will state some of the suggestion that I get from the doctors.

    Dr serkan aygin(turkey)- two transplant first one for the forehead and mid with 4400 grafts and one more after one half year for the mid ,It was worth to mention that serkan actually don't take part in the surgeon but its technicians ,even though I heard a lot of people that go to do in his clinic,dhi method.

    Dr levenet acar(turkey)-one mega session ,5000 grafts day after day , as well base on technicians,his clinic state that he is one of the most popular on the world and it's seems that he developed state of the are techniques for transplant ( dhi that envolve micro sphere) .

    Dr ilker apayden(turkey)- 3600 grafts ,2000 front,1000 mid 600 crown ,fue method ,Dr ilker done the opening of the chanels by him self,one of the most popular in my country , but actually his representative in my country said to me not to expect to great result even after 2 preseadure .

    Dr arslan musbach(turkey)-3500 grafts ,the extraction and the open of canales done by arsaln himself,fue method .

    Dhi global group ( Greece) - several doctors that are establish center over the world (as they say at least) ,and as the name state do theire operation with dhi,get a suggestion for 2 day operation,mega session,3600-4000 grafts ,say that I will get full cover(strange for me according the number but ok).

    LHR clinc(Lisbon)-4000 grafts.

    Dr yaman(turkey)- doesn't have representative in my country- get two option for one day till 4000 or two day mega session with 6000,I saw it is part that of IHARS association which only few get in.

    Dr mars ( Cyprus)- start with 4000 grafts first operation 3000 on front and 1000 on mid without crown for the first,saw he is really considered doctor.

    Also think to try to talk with hlc and asmed clinc( koray ardogan) which seems that he has pretty good results for advanced Norwood situations ,but he is not really affordable. 

    I really have douts about two things ,

    First I heard about the affects of shock less when too much grafts are harvested and ,but I see results of doctors that seems good (acar,Zara(even though they don't the same level)) so I don't sure what to think about it ,does it is better for me two divide for 2,3 operations or i can take into consider the option of mega session.

    Second ,i get a consultant from some doctor the foucs at the first on the mid and front but my real problem is the crown and I afraid if I  do only on the frontal area it will emphasis the differences between the mid and front,and other doctor recommended to me to do the operation more homogamous (like ilker) ,not sure what the best way to go with.

    I would love to hear about your opinions,

    Best regards 





  2. Hi I just exposed about transplant for long time (several years)and read a lot about different doctor and attitudes to transplant but still can't get a decision ,I think I somewhere between Norwood 5-6 .I just exposed to this wonderful community and I will love to  get a recommendation from guys about my situation and recommendation for doctors as well. My budget for all the process(think that Ive to get two transplant) stand  on 8000 euro . 

    Wish the best, gal







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