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Posts posted by JF1993

  1. 23 minutes ago, A_4_Archan said:

    Give it more time and it may improve...but imho my initial thoughts are that it may have been unfortunately over harvested ...can you please share some pre op pics of your donor and immediate post op pics...and who was the surgeon ?

    Edited lines

    You can use topical minoxidil for some specific thinned out patches on your donor ..it may help..

    Unfortunately I don’t have immediate post op pics 😟 I’ve attached a picture of my donor pre op. 

    Clinic was Vera Clinic. Had I came across the forum sooner my clinic selection would have been different. But I’ll wait it out incase it improves 🤞 

    Thank you for the tip with Minoxidil, will try that out. My left side is a little sparse but the right side is a lot worse. 


  2. Hello all,

    I am currently 3 and a half months post FUE, with 4500 grafts transplanted. I’m currently taking Finasteride and Minoxidil.  

    My donor area is still looking very sparse and I’m concerned at this stage I won’t see further improvement.

    From what I’ve read I’m concerned this is a case of over harvesting rather than temporary shock loss. 
    I would just like to hear other opinions/experiences with this. Has anyone had a similar appearance at this stage and recovered?

    I have attached a photo of the donor today and post surgery. 


    Grateful  for any advice!




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