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Posts posted by jd09

  1. Thanks for the great advice guys. I'm not depressed and i definitely AM enjoying my youth fellas but I definitely have great concern at this point. Like i said normal days it look as though i have a full head of hair but the showering clearly shows the TOP as a lot thinner than the sides. It doesnt match. Advice has been great but i have another question- If i just use Pro everyday will that be ok? I dont want to start rogaine because i think ill get lazy and not use it.

  2. I went to the Dermatologist specific for hair loss and they told me i was balding. My father started balding in his 20's, I can clearly see in the mirror under the right light that the top of my head is A LOT thinner than the sides. So once again what should i do? Pro? And hopefully someone young who got a HT could respond here.

  3. So like the title says i need some advice on exactly what i should do given my situation. Im 20 years old and am thinning and losing hair. Its been more and more visible as the days pass. When i use gel and such it still looks like i have a full head of hair but when i shower or am under bright lights its very noticeable that i am indeed balding. Went to the derm and lady told me to start pro and/or rogaine. Ive been saving up for a hair transplant and basically i want to know the best strategy to tackle this horrific predicament. Any reply would be great thanks.

  4. Ok so heres my dilemma and i hope im posting in the right forum. When i was in 8th grade at age 14 my friends would always tell me how when id use gel and spike my hair up that i looked very bald. I stopped using gel for a few years and now im 19 and sitll have the same problem. My hair is thinning and when i wash it bunch of pieces come out. I have enough hair right now so when its flat i dont look bald at all but i want to make sure it says this way. Even my barber told me that the hair atop my head is much more thin than the hair on the side. Any tips on what to do would be greatly appreciated and utterly amazing. Thanks!


  5. Ok so heres my dilemma and i hope im posting in the right forum. When i was in 8th grade at age 14 my friends would always tell me how when id use gel and spike my hair up that i looked very bald. I stopped using gel for a few years and now im 19 and sitll have the same problem. My hair is thinning and when i wash it bunch of pieces come out. I have enough hair right now so when its flat i dont look bald at all but i want to make sure it says this way. Even my barber told me that the hair atop my head is much more thin than the hair on the side. Any tips on what to do would be greatly appreciated and utterly amazing. Thanks!


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