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Posts posted by amibalding123

  1. On 3/3/2023 at 3:19 PM, Rahal Hair Transplant said:


    Firstly, how old are you? Also, what is your family history of hair loss like? Does anybody on your father or mother side have significant thinning hair or baldness?

    Now I would likely say something slightly different depending on your age.

    If you are very young which you appear to be such as early 20s, you may be experiencing very early signs of hairline recession. Hairline recession can spread and even turn into extreme thinning hair and baldness all over the scalp. At the same time, it might not.

    Now, if you are older such as in your 30s or 40s which you don’t appear to be based on what I see, I would say that the chances of you experiencing any significant hair loss is very slim. You potentially could just be experiencing what’s referred to as a “maturing hairline“ and might not see any additional hair loss or thinning ever.  On the flipside, there may be a chance that you just started experiencing male pattern baldness a little later in life.  

    Another thing I want to tell you is that hair loss is impossible to predict. There is a test that you can take - I believe the product is called HairDX.  This might give you an idea as to whether or not you are prone to experiencing genetic baldness. What it won’t tell you is how much hair loss you may experience.

    if you are really concerned about the possibility of losing your hair, I suggest going to a dermatologist and having them evaluate your scalp and hair under magnification to see if they can find any signs of miniaturization. That’s something that you would likely not be able to see in a mirror and something only seen under magnification.

    Most people don’t even see signs that they’re losing their hair until they experience 50% loss in a concentrated area. 

    But based on what I see now, I’m sure you’re making a lot of people very envious and jealous wishing that they had your head of hair. But, the future is unpredictable.

    If you do end up seeing a dermatologist and they tell you that there is signs of miniaturization and that you have genetic male pattern baldness, I do suggest considering medication at that point. Finasteride would be your best chance to keep your existing hair or at least slow down its progression. If you do have male pattern baldness and this is the very early signs, it will continue. And if you do nothing to try to stop it, it will proceed as far as your own genetics dictate. 

    I hope this helps.

    Rahal Hair Transplant 



    Thanks very much for the in-depth reply.

    Here's some family history: I'm Mid 20's, Father is NW 0, Paternal Grandfather NW 0, Maternal Grandfather NW 4/5 - Lost his hair at an early age (mid 30's) but didn't progress much after initial loss. I understand hair loss is hard to predict but does my family history suggest anything?

    As stated before this doesn't effect my life at the moment, but I would be interested in potentially getting a hair transplant in 5/10 years.

    Thanks again.

  2. 26 minutes ago, Rafael Manelli said:

    It looks at worst Norwood 2 but a lot of men are just born with this sort of hairline.

    You could still get surgery like this but if it doesn’t bother you then why bother with it ?


    It doesn't bother me now as I don't mind wearing my hair forward. I've done this for years due to having a high hairline, if I ideally could get this fixed/lowered like the thread in your signature that would be ideal.

    However I'm not in any rush and who knows if I'll change my mind in 5 years.

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  3. 4 hours ago, Gatsby said:

    There’s no real way to predict if your hair will bald and if so at what rate. At your age where MPB can be very aggressive your hair looks great. It’s hard to tell from the photo angles but you might have retrograde alopecia. The only way to know if it is not going to progress would be medication. All the best. 

    Thanks, i'll keep an eye on it as I notice a lot of hair on my hands in the when I wash my hair.

    3 hours ago, SoSoz said:

    Is this a bait thread?

    No, sorry if you think so. Surely if you look at the second to last photo showing the temple recession is that not NW 1/2?

    27 minutes ago, Rafael Manelli said:

    If you’ve always had a huge forehead, I’d say you don’t show any signs of hair loss at all. Lucky man.

    Thanks, guess i'll keep an eye on it to see how things play out. If it doesn't gets any worse in the next 5/10 years i'll probably opt for a HT


  4. I'm not interested in getting on any medication or getting a hair transplant, i'm interesting in how you all think my hair loss could progress or how good/bad it is.

    I've always had a huge forehead / high hairline since a young age.

    Some quick info, i'm Mid 20's, Father is NW 0, Paternal Grandfather NW 0, Maternal Grandfather NW 4/5 - Lost his hair at an early age but didn't progress much.

    I've lurked the forum a bit before and some of the results are great, i'm not worried about getting a HT in future or waiting 5/10 years, i'm in no rush as this doesn't effect my life too much at the moment.


    Hair now dry:





    Hair now wet:







    Hair Dry 4/5 ish years ago: 





    Hair Wet 4/5 years ago, first photo below is worst possible photo i've taken showing temples:







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