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Posts posted by Nadall

  1. Hey Napoli, 

    thanks for your words of encouragement. 
    When I look in the mirro, I'm really grateful almost every day that it worked out so well for me, but it now feels completely normal to have hair again. 

    What you can't see in the photos, however, is that I really need to put gel in my hair, otherwise - despite the very good result - the bald patches will show through. But with these care products it really does look like you have full hair again. 

  2. Hey guys,

    here are my 8 1/2 months past the HT results with Dr. Yaman and I've started to let it grow out like back in the days... and it feels good turning the clock back.

    What would you say, is it bad for the hair(roots) to let it grow a bit, so soon after the HT?
    Do you think it's a myth that a short haircut is better for the hair or are these just old hairdressers' tales? 
    You know, I don't want to get greedy and ruin something. 

    I am not on any kind of hairpills anymore. 

    The pictures were made in the morning under weak daylight and under a lamp. 












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  3. Hey guys, 


    sry for the late response and the short one, I will try to make a more detailed one or at least answer your questions.

    The results are in my opinion great for month 7. Yaman definetly did a great job. Until Month 4 everything wasn't easy.. It was the Valley of tears, but it started at month 3 to grow. 

    I took Vitamins and Saw Palmetto. Unfortunatelly I got brain fog taking Fin and had to stop it, because my job performance was more important to me, than the hair. I just took Fin for 1,5 month in a very, very low dose.

    Would I go again to Yaman? Yes!

    Did I get anything from him for doing this posts? Nothing, I just do it to share it with you guys. 

    When I was searching for a Dr, I looked for uninfluenced posts of real patients, where marketing had no meaning.. This I found on this forum. Hope I can give something back with this post! When I did the HT, I didn't know anybody who did it outside of my homeland and it was not easy to really do it.

    Wish you all the best!


    Here my results after month 7: 












    This was in the middle of month 3 after hair transplantation:





    my natural hair with 17 years:





    my hair before the HT with 32 years: 





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  4. Hey Yako, 

    actually, Dr. Turan's direct method appealed to me a lot. However, I must say that I felt very comfortable with Dr. Yaman in general and also briefly asked him about the implanter. Honestly, after the conversation on the mobile (took place a month before HT) I trusted him and chose him. However, the reason was not the Yaman Implanter, but I simply felt comfortable with him. In addition, they always answered very quickly and did not dodge my questions. 

    Unfortunately, I cannot judge how efficient/good the Yaman method really is compared to other methods. However, as I said, they have convinced me and I would go to Dr. Yaman again. The price-performance ratio is very good in my opinion, although one should still remain realistic about the HT with this price, in relation what is possible and what is not.

    Perhaps another member can comment on the method in more detail. 


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  5. Hello dear community, 

    sorry for my late message. I've been a bit under the radar the last days and weeks. I had the HT done by Dr. Yaman 2 weeks ago and I must say that I was very satisfied. Dr. Yaman and his Team (especially Ihsan) are very respectful. Dr Yaman takes his time and shows understanding for every question. Since one day after the HT I am now also on Finasteride, around 0.3 mg per day. I also take a small dose of Saw Palmetto and vitamins. A few hairs have unfortunately fallen out at the washings after about 9 days post HT, although I was very careful. The healing is actually quite fast. I hope for a good result in the next few months.

    I had 4360 grafts placed, many multiple grafts, but only average thickness in hair in the donor region. 
    By the way, I decided to go with Dr. Yaman because of this forum and the many real comments. I didn't know anyone personally before who had HT done with him. Thank you for your support and this forum, I might not have done it without you. 


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  6. Hello dear forum participants, 

     maybe you can support me a little bit in the decision making process. For various reasons, I prefer doctors from Turkey (for example, I have friends there and it is not far from my home). I have 3 doctors in the short list (Gur, Turan, Yaman). I know that it is recommended to do several HTs and wait after each, but I know that I will most likely do only one HT. Therefore a good/passable result after the first HT would be my goal. 

    1) Turan rejected me and told me to take medication for 1 year
    2) Gur said 3000 grafts in one day from donor area would be possible
    3) Yaman said 4500 grafts (if needed also from beard or hand possible)

    Who would you recommend for my case looking at my hair and considering my above mentioned wishes/goals. 
    Thank you very much. I appreciate any advice, just please no recommendations that I should fly to Mexico or Asia for the HT. This is not in accordance with my wishes. Thank you!



  7. I'm from Austria. The thing is, I just changed my job and a longer holiday isn't so easy at the moment. Another thing is that I have studied in Istanbul for a couple of months, and I have trust in the people there and I think I would have a better feeling being closer to Austria, just if anything goes wrong there would be just a very short flight. Those are the personal reasons. I wrote Turan, Yaman and Gur.  Before this forum I nearly made an appointment at a bigger firm (Dr Acar), but I think less patients a day fit better for me.

    Another thing, they are thinking of using also my beard to get 4500 grafts, because my donor area seems to be not so dense as I thought. 

    So if you know other Dr for a slightly higher rice, I would be very curious.

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