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Posts posted by baseballguy

  1. Hey everyone, I had an FUE procedure a little over 4 weeks ago, and from everything I've read, and what my doctor told me, my grafts should be fairly secure at this point. I am currently in the middle of the shedding phase, and so far everything has gone very well and according to schedule. However today, I was massaging the recipient area a bit (lightly with my fingertips) as there was a bit of scabbing or dead skin in the area now that shedding was happening. When I looked there were two tiny blood spots. From what I understand, blood is the indication that a graft has been lost, but it's been over a month, so I thought they should be more secure. I was not picking anything, I was not scratching, I was using my fingertips to gently rub the area and remove loose dead skin and whatever gunk.

    I posted two photos I took right after it happened, and a third from about 15 minutes later. When I zoom in on the photos, I still see hair in at least the bottom one, but I wanted to ask others. Did I lose grafts, or is there some possibility that I just re-irritated the wound but without losing the hair? In the pictures I also notice that small scabs seem to have formed again, so that's probably what I was rubbing off, and I might have accidentally ripped two off causing the bleeding, but would that damage the graft? After 15 minutes, the bottom one is no longer bloody and looks like it still has the hair. Also, even if I did lose those two grafts, that's just two of thousands and probably won't look noticeable in the end result, right?





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