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Posts posted by Alex98843

  1. 1 hour ago, Gatsby said:

    One thing I should mention is that if you have any thoughts at all about shaving your head in the future then I would pass on surgery. You will be left with scars whether you have FUE or FUT. Think hard on this one. A hair piece is reversible. Also a hair transplant is not perfect and hair greed is real. A hair transplant will only give you the illusion of having more hair. It can never match having never lost your hair.  With that said if you stay on the meds then have a look at the recommended surgeons on the forum. Try and find results that are in line with your goals. Look for a surgeon who turns out these results on a regular basis by patient reviews. Once you start down this road though you are on it for life. All the best. 👍

    How about SMP on fue scars? seems like it can be a good solution in case someone decide to shave their head after HT no?

  2. 2 hours ago, TheGreatPretender said:

    Looks good howeaver you should wait at least a year or two to see if medication is able to possibly give you the results you want, if after that you're still unhappy then go for a surgery. Always remember that this is your last resort.

    The thing about medication that I was on them on the past for a couple of years (fin/min) and while it did thicken my hair at the mid scalp/crown it never brought back my temple area, I started to lose my hair at the temple many years ago so I think it's fair to say that area is not going to grow hair again. given that, having HT in the temple area seems pretty safe no?

  3. I am 41 never had HT before, I got a diffuse thinning mainly at the frontal area of my scalp but all over, I just let my hair grow out for the last 2 weeks (been shaving it for the last 6 years with SMP ) and I now notice my donor area looking pretty thin , I think it would still be possible to extract 2500 grafts (that's what the doctor I sent my photos to advised me )but  my concern is that the donor area being already thin will look very patchy after ther HT and also the future does not look too promising for more grafts for future HT in case I need them with the thinning that is going on right now.

    I just started taking oral fin and planning to go minoxidil after the HT

    What do you guys think?






  4. 2 hours ago, Bucky O Hair said:

    No.  I'm intrigued by PRP and I'll do that moving forward. 

    I've heard that finasteride may prevent shockloss but I'm not sure if there is any data on that.  I have always been on the fence about using fin, but one of my best friends had such bad sides from it that I could never take the plunge.



    Look into topical fin 

  5. 2 hours ago, Archan said:

    U cn fix your hairline and go upto mid area at one go easily ...if your donor area is good...medication will help u with crown thinning and u cn even consider prp therapy for tht...from your pics it seems tht around 2500 grafts would be enough for hairline and to go upto mid scalp if u dont lower your hairline...and i would suggest you that...

    Which doctor are you planning your hair transplant with?

    Thanks for that, I am going to go with Dr. Kongkiat Laorwong at bangkok

  6. About to get HT soon, my hair is doing the diffuse thinning thing, a few years ago I got SMP which I was happy with for a good number of years, very easy solution but I do miss having hair and getting bored of shaving my hair every couple of days.

    I would love to get some opinions on where should I focus on the HT and how many grafts you think is suitable.

    I have attached a few photos, it's a bit tricky to see where I need the grafts when I am fresh out of buzzing my hair because of the SMP so need to let it grow for at least a week or so so it more apparent what is real hair and what is the tattoo dots and even than it can be a bit tricky as the SMP in the photos can give the illustion of more fullness than what it's really there, only a few weeks in the truth can really show itself. the photos are 2 weeks old. I also added another photo that is just after buzzing my hair and yellow circled the area where it's 80% SMP (the temple area)

    a few more facts on the situation:  

    I am 40 years old, 

    stopped fin and min when I got the SMP 6 years ago, I got to say that my hair loss kind of halted and stayed about the same since then, however since I decided to get the HT I am back on fin and plan to start taking oral mix after the HT (no point in starting now because I was told i need to stop 2 weeks before the surgery)

    My biggest question is if I should focus only on the temples area and mid area (as you can see in the sketch a HT doctor made for me) or should I also add density in the mid area between the temples, so basically cover the all frontal area. there are some thanning in the crown area as well but hopefully fin+min could help fill it up as there a lot of minacture hairs that need some help. 

    And also in general if you have any advice for me and if you think I make a good candidate for HT








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