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Posts posted by RaulWill

  1. On 2/4/2023 at 9:26 AM, 1028 said:

    Hey all, after a lot of research and time spent lurking these forums I decided to go with a FUE with Dr. Luis Nader in McAllen TX / Reynosa MX. I would say I was probably a Norwood 2.5 and had noticed hair loss since high school/early college, hopped on Finasteride about 6 years ago and Minoxidil 4 years ago which both pretty much stabilized my loss. Tried a variety of other things like Nizoral, microneedling, and essential oils to no real discernible result. I really just wanted to fix my hairline which had already receded before I decided to get on Finasteride and was pretty asymmetrical in its recession.

    I'm located in Texas so after reading all the great things about Nader on here, I opted to go with him as I could just drive down the day before and then drive back the day after (versus sitting in a 14 hour flight from Turkey with a swollen head). After filling out the form on his website, his assistant Brenda contacted me within a few days (I was surprised since it seems like many have had a ton of difficulty getting in contact with their clinic in the first place-- not the case for me). I will say the communication was a bit asynchronous and there were a few times where I had to send an email twice, but for the most part it wasn't necessarily hard to get a response from them. I did leave Nader a voicemail one time on the number he has posted to his website which got a pretty quick response.

    Once you actually get to the day of the surgery, everything is great. The hotel is included in the cost of the HT, as well as a ride into his clinic in Reynosa from Mr. Santos (he doesn't speak much English-- he was surprised that I lived in Texas and wasn't conversational in Spanish haha). Getting through the border leaving the US is a breeze. After arriving at the clinic, you meet with Nader for about an hour just to talk about everything regarding your hair-- your reason for scheduling the HT, your history with your hair and things you've tried before, your lifestyle, and hair goals for the HT. We worked on designing the hairline, and he does a great job making sure you're happy with it but it's something realistic that's going to look natural. After that was done, they prepped me for surgery, buzzed my head (he actually said we didn't need to at all, but I preferred it), and began the extraction. This was the easiest part; I honestly fell asleep for the majority of it. Then they break for lunch, which is also included, and afterwards begin with the implantation. He has a TV with Netflix set up and hands you the remote, so despite the slight pain of injecting the local anesthesia (and the pain of implantation when it starts to wear off before you ask him to put in more), this time goes by pretty quickly as well. He's there the whole time extracting the grafts and implanting them into the regions behind the new hairline you've designed.

    My graft breakdown:

    1s: 317

    2s: 209

    3s: 666

    4s: 172

    Total: 1364

    Cost: $4224 (about $1500 less than he originally quoted me at, but we ended up going with fewer grafts and this takes into account the 10% discount when paying with cash)

    Nader commented that I was pretty lucky with my donor hair and I agree-- he was able to grab a lot of juicier grafts to use. Excited to see the final result. I'm now at the two week mark since my HT and was able to get all the scabs off by around day 10 or 11. Now just some redness remains, but the donor area has recovered pretty well already. Preparing mentally for the shed that will occur in a few weeks.















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    Thanks for sharing it with us. :)

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