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Posts posted by ogph

  1. Hey PCC, nobuzz,


    I am looking for a doc as well to do the repair. Have done some online consultations. Have you guys contacted other docs and discussed the techniques ?


    Any feedback ? SOme of them talk about no sutures, some say sutures whereas others even talk about skin grafting. Hoping to meet people who have already tried this with success.

  2. Troy,


    FANTASTIC !!!! I had some previous work done and even with that it looks less than your pre-op pictures. It gives me great hope to know that the recepient site doesnt have to be shaved down to do this. I hope to have this done. Did you have any shock loss ?

  3. Hi,


    I have been reading up on the donor sites and the newer closure techniques. I am wondering about the recipient sites. I seem to have some existing hair and some of this maybe ready to fall off, others are from previous mini graft work; are there some techniques better than others for placements of new grafts in between existing hair ? What about size of instrumentation and cuts, use of maginifcation , etc; how do these differ ?



  4. Hi,


    I am doing some research on doctors that either specialize or generally do a great job with repairing (either excising or filling in surrounding regions) minins and micros ? Anyone had this procedure done? I would really like to hear from you as I am considering this procedure.



  5. Hi,


    I am doing some research on doctors that either specialize or generally do a great job with repairing (either excising or filling in surrounding regions) minins and micros ? Anyone had this procedure done? I would really like to hear from you as I am considering this procedure.



  6. Hi damo,


    I too would like to know more about her especially since she is closer to Asia than US is.


    Does she do Fues 's ? How was your experience. What factor played the biggest part in your decision to go with her apart from location ?



  7. Hi M&M,


    Thanks for fixing that link. Great pics. I gotta be honest with you, your pre-op pics look great and at least in the pics the M&Ms dont look obvious, maybe thats in the pics. I ove the work Dr.Shapiro did on your hairline, so was it basically just the hairline ?? Did you have any shock loss ? Were you on propecia or anything else ?


    My hair is a lot thinner than yours (Yours looks marvellous & thick); its all over the top, so for me I feel the I need little work in the hairline to take care of the M&M's and a lot mor on top to make it thicker so I can wear it shorter.


    My M&M's are right in the front of my head in the hairline.



  8. Hi M&M,


    Thanks for the info. I cant seem to open your weblog for some reason. Would be great to see some pics or share some info with you.


    Did Dr. Shapiro do FUE ? Was he able to place the grafts in between your existing hair ? Did you wear your hair long. I have been wearingcmine in a pony tail for the longes time and some the horrid M&M's are right up front and hav erecently egin to show making this option not workable any more. I am now lookijng to cut it shorter an have soem of the hair drop on my forehead to cover the M&M's. If I lose anymore though, I am afraid it could pose a problem.


    If you can, I would be real curious to hear bout your experience. How long has it been ?

  9. Thanks you guys for the suggestions. I was just curious about drs. like Feller and others that might not be in the coalition.


    Brian, do tou have nay pics ? Thailand is oly 2 hours away from me - would love to hear about your experience there. Do they do FUE and do the ultra refined follicular unit I have been reading anout ?


    Jake, good luck mate please do share more when you get it done. I have started writing to a couple of Dr's and I am waiting for the feedback.


    SInce I have had it done once (badly) already I figure I have 2 more shots. I am afraid of losing more hair and exposing the M&M;s from previous surgery so trying to prempt hat situationn.


    I have yet so much to learn about proepcia, transection rates and so forth.


    I think I will start another thread on repair work, it would be great to hear people's opinion on that especially the ones that have gone thorugh it.



    Martin I agree, which is why I wanted to read about other surgeons. After going through several sites, I have found names like shapiro, cooley et al being repeated over & over - must be something to that.


    I am sure there are others out there but there is very little info avaialbe on them.



  10. Hi Jake,


    Thanks for the info and advice. I am assuming you are completely finished with the online consultation process ? How did that go ? How many grafts do you think yoou need, is it for repair ?


    I unfortunately dont live in UK; live in Asia.



  11. Hi,


    I wasnt specifically looking for doctors outside the coalition, was just curious about other doctors out there. Just trying to learn as much as I can.


    Unfortunately I wont be able to do an in person consult.Everything will have to be done on line and when I finally do (if) get out to the US, it would be for the repair job.


    I guess I am just looking for people's opinions who have had experience with repair jobs and are there surgeons within or out of the coalition that specialize in this.


    I am trying to narrow down to doctors that do FUE/FIT so I can start the online consulatation process.


    Jake, do you have any reccomendations ? Kinda confused and dont know where to begin.



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