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Posts posted by SRB159

  1. 1 hour ago, Mountinvan said:

    I don't want to throw a wrench into your FUE plans, but have you considered FUT with Dr. K? After 2 passes with him, I can tell you NOONE ever thought I had an HT. I was absolutely able to hide it. Dr. K did a fabulous job. The first few days were a bit wonky because you could not shampoo and comb regularly. After about 10 days, I was totally able to hide it. It makes a difference probably to be a NW2 or NW3, as opposed to a balder NW level. I think you might get a better yield with a FUT--a bonus. I don't worry about the scar because he does such a good job on the incision. If you want to go stealth---go with Dr. K and do FUT.

    hmmm I didn’t give it much thought because I wear my sides and back down to a number 2 length (top and front much longer though). 

    Wouldn’t the scar still show through? 

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  2. Thanks!! Yes I am a NW2 or 3. Temple recession although there is still some miniaturization on the temples (some hairs just wont call it quits after 15 years of miniaturization). But the crown, middle, 95% of the front is very strong with no miniaturization.

    Do you have a link to the post of the member who did not have to shave with Dr. K? I cant seem to find it. 

  3. Thanks for the feedback. I respect others who are willing to be more open about their procedure to clients but I am just not there yet so it would be a bit awkward for me to say it.

    I actually realized that if I push my date to september, I would be able to be away from clients for 2 full months (taking a month off for my newborn, and already have 4 weeks planned off for this). So I am now thinking that may be my best bet if indeed I have to fully buzz down.

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  4. Hi - I am considering a FUE with Dr. K (potentially Nadimi or Nusbaum) however I did not realize how adamant he was about shaving your entire head for the procedure. I am in a very client facing upper management role, and will only be able to take maybe 4 weeks away from my clients for this. With that said, I am very reluctant to shave my head due to my job. Nusbaum doesnt require it, but that is probably one of the many reasons why he is not as good as Dr. K.


    My question is, how critical is it to shave the entire head? Does anyone have pics of what it looks like 6 weeks after you shave? That would be the absolute longest I can get away without being client facing in my job.


  5. Thank you both. Konior said this am that given my strong donor supply/quality + controlled recession, that I should be a very good candidate. Great point about the price point of Nussbaum impacting the likelihood of his patients posting in forums.

    I guess my last question on this topic would be, do either of you share the concerns about Artas that I have seen elsewhere on this forum? Nussbaum uses ARTAS and I am trying to decide how big of a concern that should be for me...

  6. Hi all - I’m a 37 yr male with a NW3 (been this way for 12-15 years) looking to get a FUE with an estimated graft count of 1850-2000. 

    Since I’m in Florida, I was looking at doctor Aron Nussbaum however I can’t find any reviews of his work other than what the clinic posts. I know his father is well regarded. His clinic uses Artas which seems to be controversial on here. 

    Given his pricing is pretty expensive ($8-$9 a graft) for FUE, I wanted to ask A) does anyone here have any experience with him? B) What would be my other options for FUE docs that don’t have a super long waiting list?



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