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Posts posted by king-hair

  1. this is my 13 day post operation and still have some crusting .......what should I do?


    I am really concern about my result since this is my second HT...



    my story

    the first one was in Lebanon Beruit (1500 grafts) as told in Jan 2006. I think I saw 300 hair came out. most of it was in the vertex area and around 100 grafts in the crown. not only no one hair came out in the crown but it got bigger and the excisting ones dissappeared.I had the absorable sutures in the donor area. you can not immagine how big is my scar even your thumb can fit in it no kidding.


    the second HT was to increase the density of front and decrease the scar. I had it done in Transmed (maximum grafts is 2052) since my scar was too big as per Dr. Ergin. now I removed the staples 3 days ago. the scar really really changed. it is almost invisible (thanks god).

    but still have crusting and itche

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