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Posts posted by McTickles

  1. On 1/22/2023 at 6:36 PM, FloridaToTurkey said:

    Hi McTickles

    I am probably going to schedule with him as well.  Was March first available?  When in March was it? What Hotel?  Whats he charging?

    I have had a hair transplant before and trust me, if you're like me you're going to be nervous as hell about every movement you make for the first week or so after the operation - until the graphs are more permanent.  So personally, if you want some time to do sightseeing it would make sense to do it before because after the procedure you really are not going to want to run around the city.  My first week, I still got around but you want to keep it really low key.  So I'd just go home afterwards where at least your in your own space and spend that extra time - before- the procedure, looking around the city.  Sitting around the hotel for 4 days seems boring, but that's just me. The main reason I'm going with Gur or Truan is they seem to have a lot of positive comments on this forum and the facebook forum and they both have lots before/after (so I guess Im less concerned about some of the specifics and am just hoping the consultation goes positive).  Dr.  Gur for whatever reason , more pics, are more on his Instagram page and none really on the FueCapilar page which i find quite odd being he is part of the practice.  

    March was first available for me (in December).  OPs quote is the same as mine, we're very similar although I'll have a couple hundred more grafts.

  2. NW6 here, going to him in March.  I'm getting pretty much the same as you.  Op is on a Tues and I decided to stay until Sat to give grafts a chance lock in some before flying back to the US.

    How was he about irregularities in the hairline, did he discuss that at all with you?

    Any other advice, especially regarding hanging around that hotel for several days afterwards?  Is room service decent / affordable?




  3. Hi Naynay,

    I'm going to Dr Gur in March.  Did you learn anything about vitamins?  I've read that D is a good anti-inflammatory and I'm concerned about swelling.

    I'm going to stay 4 days post-op before flying home, so I'll be flying during the swelling phase.  Did Dr. Gur give you (or the option of) a steroid (like prednisone) to deal with the swelling?

    Also, do know his feelings on irregularities in the hairline?  It looks like that is the trend for a more natural look.

    Any other advice?



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