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Posts posted by Hairmagic

  1. Hi there,

    As a brief intro - I am 33-years-old from the US, living in the Netherlands. I should also add that I am a medical doctor. From around the age of 20, I noticed my hairline thinning and receding. Since then, I’ve been taking finasteride 1mg daily and minoxidil foam.

    A hair transplant had been something I was considering for several years. However, I never had the time, money (and frankly wasn’t that bothered about my hairline) until about a year ago, when it became too noticeable for me to feel super comfortable. Armed with time, money and hairline discontent, I did some research for options in the Netherlands. 

    A British friend of mine was quite happy with the results he got from Dutch Clinic - which also met my research criteria (4.5+ on Google reviews, with 70+ reviews). I made an appointment and had a consultation. However, the surgeon I met with was distracted by his phone several times during the consult and incorrectly explained what platelet-rich plasma contains (he explained it as white blood cells, whereas there are actually no cells in plasma). There was no way I could undergo any medical procedure with someone so distracted who clearly doesn’t understand the science.

    I went back to the drawing board, and really honed in on the very best of surgeons who I could see in or via the Netherlands. It came down to Dr. Ahmad or two clinics in Turkey with satellite offices in the Netherlands. Hoping to receive the procedure in the Netherlands, I made a consultation with Dr. Ahmad. What I was immediately struck by during the consultation process was the fact that he asked ME why he should take me on as a patient. I could tell already that he was heavily invested in strong results for his patients. I told him why I’d be a great patient, and we made the appointment. It took me only a few minutes to realize this guy is the one for me. He understands the pathology and treatment, he is present and invested - I just had this gut feeling that I would be in good hands. We made the appointment for about 5 months later. Throughout that time, Dr. Ahmad was available directly for any questions that I had.

    I underwent my FUE in mid-Jan 2023. Roughly 2430 grafts were placed along the hairline. The procedure took about 8 hours, and was largely painless. The injections of local anesthetic were quite excruciating for me, but Dr. Ahmad provided a lot of reassurance and comfort, which helped. I was also impressed that Dr. Ahmad had has hands on me for nearly the whole operation, except for a brief period of time when both of his assistants were laying down the grafts. I had full confidence in his assistants as well. You learn a lot about the industry during the procedure (if you’re reading this, you probably know a lot already), and it’s clear that he and his staff are regarded truly as some of the best in the world. 

    The first week has been better than expected - sleeping upright for the first few days was a little tough (like sleeping on an airplane), but the pain has been really manageable. There’s a lot of itching now in the donor area (about 1 week out), as the scabs finish forming and begin to fall off. 

    I’ll try to keep you updated with pics about every month or so. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to answer any questions, as I’m quite busy this year - but I hope you’ll find the photos and this introduction helpful.







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