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Posts posted by Hairfree

  1. Awesome result at 6 months!! I haven't been on the forums and just jumped on to check out Bill results after I found out he had a 4th HT. Your hair characterisitcs play it out perfect for you and by 8-9 months youll be able to style it anyway you want to. Try American Crew Pomade, just put a small dash in your palm and spread it out over hands and then rub on the damp hair to style it anyway you want. Play around with different amounts of pomade and give some spiking glue a try too. Those two products works best for me. I NEVER added styling products to my hair before I had my HT, and my wife's best friend works at a salon and she gave me a few products to try.


    Drop me a PM if you have any questions! Dr. Rahal is the best and im glad it all worked out for you.

  2. Bill-


    Wow! Your shaved down head looks so clean and full. You are going to be very happy with the final result. Can't wait to see it in person. We will have to get together soon to do some catching up.


    I know how hard it is to stay away from the gym. If I find myself missing a day or two at the gym I tend to get anxious. Take it easy in there, my reccomendation would be to increase the protein intake to keep muscle loss to a minimum and workout hard on the elipical for another week or two before doing any heavy weights. Give it some extra time to heal. Once you hit the weights heavy again you'll be back to where you were before you know it.

  3. Eman,


    I had all of my crusts removed by day 8. You should fill up your sink with water and add some shampoo to the head and soak your head under the water in the sink of several minutes at a time and then gently start rubbing off the scabs in circular motion with soft tips of finger. Dont press down hard and dont use the finger nails. Just rub gently and the crusts will start to loosen up and come off. Itll take 2-3 days for it all to come off if you soak them up in water several times a day.


    Let me know how it all goes. At this stage all of your grafts are safe and firmly in place. You do not have to worry about losing them.

  4. Eman -


    I hear you, the hardest part of the HT for me was the week after surgery sitting around at home and doing nothing. I am very active myself even on the weekends I can't stand to stay in and watch TV on a Friday or Saturday night. Somehow, I managed to do it. I was lucky to have my fiance at that time to keep me company. We just watched a lot of movies and I spend time on the forums as well. I was back in the gym 3 weeks after HT doing light weights. It helped to get me through the doldrums a great deal.


    Thank you for the compliment on my HT. With your hair color, # of grafts and choice of DR....you will have a homerum result. Looking forward to your progress pictures in the future.

  5. Eman -


    Great to see you go forward with the HT. Your post op results look awesome, so clean and the hairline design is perfect. I am happy for you and can't wait for you to get to enjoy your new head of hair. It will be a life changing event for you. I know it was for me.


    Im here if you have any questions. Please feel free to PM me anytime. I know I haven't been on these forums for a while but I do come on to read once a week to keep up with everything thats going on in the hairloss community.


    Dr. Rahal is a class act. I experienced the same treatment you did and we still keep in touch to this day. He never loses touch with his patients. Be patient and keep busy to get through the doldrums. I worked out again just a month after the HT with light weights and drank lots of protein. I think the shakes helped a lot with the healing and I did get early growth. Who knows..maybe it had something to do with it. Good luck and PM me anytime.

  6. Massaging the donor area is reccomended by all HT doctors performing strip. It helps you improve the laxity of the scalp for the strip surgery. I rubbed my thumbs on the scalp in an up and down motion about 30 minutes each day. You push down on the scalp to the point where you are able to move the skin up and down against the skull bone. I hope it makes sense.

  7. Eman - I got your PM. I will write back this evening. To answer your question. I am very happy where I stand. I am very pleased with the density that Dr. Rahal gave me in one shot. I want to conserve the rest of my donor hair in case if I need HT in the future for the back 2/3. I am on Rogaine and 1/4 tablet of Proscar every other day to mantain my native hairs as long as possible. Dr. Rahal said its possible I may need HT #2 in 15 years. We can't predict hairloss and how far it will progress. I am very happy where I stand right now and Dr. Rahal did the best job possible in my opinion for where my hairloss was.


    HTinthefuture - I am going to google the product you mentioned. Thank you for sharing!

  8. Bill - Thanks man! One thing that I can definately say about my new head of hair is that I don't even think about it anymore in social situations. I am not self conscious about it and when I am talking to people I don't even think about how my hair is looking. Before, I was thinking about my hairloss too much that it was over taking my life to a certain degree. I will give you a call to catch up.


    Its752, HTinthefuture - I had almost 3500 grafts done and it came out to be more than 7000 hairs. I forget the exact number. You can do a search on me on this site to find more pictures and my progress from months 0 to 7. You will find details there.


    I use a couple hair products and I reccomend everyone to give it a try:


    1. LoReal Studioline Weightless Texturizer gel its also named Out of Bed gel. I put a dash of the gel into palms and spread evenly out on both hands and rub my hands on the top of my hair gently back and forth SIDEWAYS. It takes out any fitz and give it a shiny spiked look without making it appear thin. Its not going to thicken it up but at least its not too heavy and thin in appearence. After I get done with this gel I apply a small amount American Crew Pomade to hairline. (see below)


    2. American Crew Pomade. Sometimes I will put a very small dash in my palm and spread it out over the hands and rub into the hair back and forth from front to back to give it a messy look when I get out of the shower but most of the time I follow the step above with the LoReal Gel and then follow that with just a small dash pomade on my finger tip and thumb and apply it to the hairs at the hairline. It makes the hairline appear shiny and doesn't make it thin in appearance.


    The photos were taken 6 hours after I put in the hair gel so the shine isn't as evident because I usually rub it throughout the day with my hands however the darker appearence is still there.


    I have been wearing my hair very short lately and buzzing it down with a #2 clip on my own. Right now in the pics I havent cut it for almost 3 weeks. I had my hair much longer for my wedding back in October. I like the shorter cut on me though.


    I don't not have any concealers in the hair and the hair stands under all lights. I will get some pictures for outside in the natural daylight. No light is stronger than that and will also add some wet photos.

  9. Haha Bill. Youre a funny. I know that hairy chest photo is something. I always want to kick myself everytime I see that photo. I say to myself why did I let myself go. Believe me I cropped most of the photo out.


    I just wanted to add that Bobman's results and photos helped me to make the decision to go forward with a HT. It proved to me the HTs can look natural. I also enjoyed seeing his real life photos and the impact it has made on his life. I am just trying to reinforce more people to post their photos the same way. Let me know your thoughts on this. If you got some old real life photos and already had a HT pull them out and post on here. Itll add some extra to the forum. We can take some jabs at each other and itll be entertaining! How bout you Bill..any old photos you can share??

  10. Hey Thanks! I wanted to share these photos because I didn't realize the change until looking at photos. The change happens so slowly that we forget what we used to look like and hard to tell if any improvements unless comparing photos. Its all the same with losing/gaining weight and hairloss or gaining hair.


    I just wanted to add something new to the forum. A new topic for people to discuss so I added some real life photos. Id like to see more of those on here.

  11. I found a couple old photos for comparison because some people asked for some before pictures. I wanted to show the transformation in real life pictures. The first one was on a boat in Key West in Summer 06'. The 2nd one was in March 07' prior to my HT (by then I lost 35 pounds). The 3rd picture was just yesterday at 6 months post op!


    5171019343_3DAD6E73C05CE5106012C6EF3A89FD02.JPG.thumb 4171019343_534F9E4C7267A2A275EE820CD6C49FF0.JPG.thumb 3171019343_C63BB0159ADD2EB94BB4F424D0490AAF.jpg.thumb



  12. I found a couple old photos for comparison because some people asked for some before pictures. I wanted to show the transformation in real life pictures. The first one was on a boat in Key West in Summer 06'. The 2nd one was in March 07' prior to my HT (by then I lost 35 pounds). The 3rd picture was just yesterday at 6 months post op!


    5171019343_3DAD6E73C05CE5106012C6EF3A89FD02.JPG.thumb 4171019343_534F9E4C7267A2A275EE820CD6C49FF0.JPG.thumb 3171019343_C63BB0159ADD2EB94BB4F424D0490AAF.jpg.thumb



  13. Hey Thank you Gorpy, Bill, Pushing 40, and For_Indai, and Eman.


    Bill..Yup just in time for the wedding icon_smile.gif 3 more weeks! I remember the first conversation we had the day we ran into each other at the gym. That seems like yesterday. Can't believe how fast time goes by. I was looking at my old photos from the years before my HT and they help me to keep things in perspective and to be grateful for the new technology. Its amazing what can be done these days. In 15 years I can't imagine what the quality of HTs will be.

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