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Posts posted by jbhkhc

  1. Its just the neck pillow that annoys me, I'll probably tie my hands to my shorts with a bathtowel once I itch, but I already take antihistamines on a night so that should help. 


    Got a grand total of zero minutes sleep last night, but I did read half a book 😅


    Guess I'll just take it as a rest and reading week☺️ thanks guys

  2. Just had my FUE in Turkey. (Rather than post ongoing updates, I'll be doing it myself in a Word file and posting initial to progress starting from the 6 month mark. That way it will be more useful to others from the get go)


    Anyway, it's currently 4am and I've been pretty tired since getting back. Most of the surgery was pretty easy for me, even the dreaded anaesthetic jabs. I was in great spirits right up to implantation. My neck was REALLY uncomfortable for 3 hours and it was exhausting.


    Skip to trying to sleep, 2 pillows and a neck pillow, and it isn't happening. As a very light side sleeper, it's going to be a tough adjustment. I tend to toss and turn a lot so definitely can't forgo the neck pillow. What helped you guys sleep better?


    Figured asking is more productive than staring at the ceiling.



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