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Posts posted by devonian

  1. Hi all! Have a hair transplant booked with Dr Geza Sikos in Hungary. I wanted to stick to Europe rather than further afield, and am based in the UK so Hungary is quick to get to. 

    I'm a Norwood 3 vertex. Sikos recommended ~2500 grafts, plus an additional 300-500 for the crown, for around €4000 which seemed reasonable for someone with his experience.

    Am slightly apprehensive that he doesn't have masses of reviews. I can see broadly positive Google Reviews, and the results on his website look very good (unlike places like HairPalace, which are cheaper and very well-reviewed but I think the results look pluggy and artifical).

    Have also seen results photos on this forum and on baldhairtruth.

    What do people think? Should I continue down this path or not? I've paid a deposit at this point, but obviously I'd rather sacrifice that than get a bad result.

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