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Posts posted by Matsuri

  1. Just my experience...after being on Rogaine for 6 months being totally satisfied with its results (stopped hair loss, got back hair and looking quite full and good) , finally -without change something in my routine - lost the 'miracle' and in 20 days I completely lost what I have gotten back over 6 months. I was hoping it was something temporary but things went worse day by day and finally seems I have to deal with my bald crown (and hair rapid hair loss still goes on)...it is so devastating...I will go on with Rogaine and in case anything alters for better I will post it but no hopes anymore.


  2. Dear Kg,


    Thanks for the reply...yes, I understand your point of view and after all I think you just have nothing to loose to get on Rogaine again, right ? All you can expect is nothing but good results...even if nothing better happens at least you will have the excuse to yourself that you have tried EVERYTHING you could do...This thought keeps me going on...

    What I dont understand is your need to wash it off...why ? You know, either you believe me or not, for example if I shampoo Sunday night on Monday my hair will look so so, but on Tuesday until time to shampoo them again comes they look much better...look thicker and nicer...so I just dont get the wash it off thing...after applying Rogaine your hair looks greasy or messy ? Mine too....but as soon as they dry things getting better...and if someone asks me about my hair if they look a bit funny I just reply that I am using a treatment on them and I simply have no other choice. What I really care for is what I think of myself when I am looking at the mirror and not what other people think ( I guess you can never satisfy anyone, right ? )So, why dont you use my 'method' on a weekend that you dont have to go to work and see if it can work on you ? At least this way you will be certain that the Minox will stay on your head and work for sure. then you can reconsider about washing it off and if you will be having a good looking result you will also 'earn' these 2 extra hours of morning sleep.

    And dont worry about your scar...we all can have a trained eye and see it because we know what it means ( having a HT ). The rest I think will not notice it...and dont forget, even if they notice it most probable they will think that you had been having a very active life and this scar is a result of a fight or accident or what...

    ALL I am trying to say is that give a new chance to Rogaine, do the best you can, maybe try a new routine that can work better, you've got noghting to loose, dont be anxious and enjoy how you look at the present because noone knows how we will both look like in 10 years ( maybe in 10 years I will sue my father because he 'made' me loosing my hair, win the case, get all of his money, shave my head and become a Buddhist monk in Tibet !!! - just a joke...)

    If you finally choose to be on Rogaine again let me know on your progression, o.k. ?

    Thanks for the sharing


  3. Dear KG...

    Thanks for your interest and time to read and reply.

    Of course I dont mind...!!!

    1. Morning around 10.00 and evening / night around 22:00.

    2. I shampoo my hair every other day. My doctor told me to shampoo every day but I do it every other day. The time I shampoo is almost always at night before the application...like wash them, wait to get dry, apply Rogaine, wait a couple of hours to that the pillow wont absorb any of the dose and go to bed...

    3. No no...Bill had warned me - as my dermatologist did too - that I should not stop using it otherwise simply I would loose any previous benefit. so it had not even crossed my mind to stop it. Yes...I think I have missed a couple of doses these 6 months. Do you think it could play its role - significant or not - ?

    Also somewhere on this forum I had read that Rogaine has the same effect either you use it once a day or twice. Like 2 ml once every day instead of 1 ml twice. I dont know if it is right or wrong but if you have any opinion on it pls tell me...

    Also thank you for your congratulations...it is just that minoxil worked pretty well for me so far except frontal left and right area. But you know...after the first expected shedding on the beginning which was anyway a terrible experience for me, being on similar shedding situation again makes me depressed and bit disappointed...but all I can do is just stay on it and reconsider to start finasteride if things wont turn back as I hope to...thats why your help / opinions are so important to me

    I have to thank you my friend for your interest


  4. Dear Bill,

    Thank you SO much for both your replies...

    Yes, you understood it very well and pls forgive me if I confused you. YEs, I have been in Minox for 6 months. Had the shedding when I started for a couple of weeks and from that moment the results were getting better and better. Hair loss completely stopped and my head was filling again with new hair. I was so happy but just at the point of 6 months ( almost exactly, I begun using it late November and shedding started late May - maybe a coincidence ? ) I begin to loose hair again especially the ones I had gained over the previous period. And I was wondering if anyone had same experience at the point of 6 months with constant use of minox that could give me further advice / information. No, I have not stopped using it...same as usual. Right...I have not been in Propecia yet. The reason why ? I was afraid...But with the lately posted topic about non dose dependant I begin to seriously talk it with my doctor and start it even in small doses and see the results. You see, I was EXTREMELY satisfied with Rogaine only though...Worked very very good for me...and just a bit sad to be on this shedding again...I dont know...maybe it is normal while using minox to have from time to time shedding and then get back what you'velost ? And if is normal how often does this happens ? This was somehow my previous wondering...

    I have to personally thank YOU for encouraging me in the past...I wont give up on Rogaine. You have helped me again so much and thank you for being here even no matter what

  5. Hello again to you all...I am very sorry that still noone replied on my previous topic so far...Noone else has experienced shedding while still being on Minoxil after 6 months ? I am loosing what I gained over the past 6 months so rapidly...( hair loss had completely stopped and I was almost full of new hair )and every new day seems worse than the previous one while nothing has changed on my daily routine...Any opinion / experience would be highly appreciated on why this is happening, if it will stop gradually and / or how much time it will need...anything, just anything you can share would be very helpful..Thank you all in advance

  6. Hello to you all

    In brief let me tell you my story...have been on Regaine ( Regaine is the European name of Rogaine ) from late past November. - the only things I use on my head are Regaine and a nice shampoo with zinc and sesame oil - Bill and many other great guys when I had suffered the shedding in the beginning of the treatment had suggested me to insist and encouraged me and I went on. And they were so right ! Finally after a couple of weeks hair loss stopped and either you believe it or not I got back A LOT of my hair especially on the top of the head and on the crown ( I am 32 years old, I was never totally bald in any area except nowadays on the left and right side of my hairline...always having long hair but began obviously getting bald ) The point is that I was extrememly satisfied and felt like blessd that Regaine helped me get back the hairs I had lost on the crown and on the top but now I go on again since a couple of weeks a shedding of the hairs I had gotten back...little hair measuring from 1 - 4 cm while my other hairs are much much longer. I think I just loose what I have gained and is terrible...areas with much less hair on my top and crown are obvious again just in some days ! Using Regaine for 6 months now does anyone of you had similar experience ? Any thoughts why this is happening while I am still doing everything like I used to do ? Nothing particular happened...just one day I started loosing some small hairs and now the amount increases and increases day by day...Please please if you have any idea let me know...Enjoy June, we are still in the beginning of the new month and get back to me please if you have any idea...Thank you all for helping me in the past..I am sure you will go on supporting me with your knowledge and experience now and in the future...

  7. Hello to you all

    In brief let me tell you my story...have been on Regaine ( Regaine is the European name of Rogaine ) from late past November. - the only things I use on my head are Regaine and a nice shampoo with zinc and sesame oil - Bill and many other great guys when I had suffered the shedding in the beginning of the treatment had suggested me to insist and encouraged me and I went on. And they were so right ! Finally after a couple of weeks hair loss stopped and either you believe it or not I got back A LOT of my hair especially on the top of the head and on the crown ( I am 32 years old, I was never totally bald in any area except nowadays on the left and right side of my hairline...always having long hair but began obviously getting bald ) The point is that I was extrememly satisfied and felt like blessd that Regaine helped me get back the hairs I had lost on the crown and on the top but now I go on again since a couple of weeks a shedding of the hairs I had gotten back...little hair measuring from 1 - 4 cm while my other hairs are much much longer. I think I just loose what I have gained and is terrible...areas with much less hair on my top and crown are obvious again just in some days ! Using Regaine for 6 months now does anyone of you had similar experience ? Any thoughts why this is happening while I am still doing everything like I used to do ? Nothing particular happened...just one day I started loosing some small hairs and now the amount increases and increases day by day...Please please if you have any idea let me know...Enjoy June, we are still in the beginning of the new month and get back to me please if you have any idea...Thank you all for helping me in the past..I am sure you will go on supporting me with your knowledge and experience now and in the future...

  8. Thank you guys so much...you gave me a hope and strength to carry on...yes..it seems I am experiencing a really brutal situation but I will go on...hoping it will last much longer...thank you for your kindness...and yes I will consider Propecia of course...or maybe dutasteride ? again many thanks and Happy New Year to everyone

  9. Merry Christmas and all my heartfelt wishes for everyone of us the next year to find a cure for us and see our hair growing back more and more..o.k..to the point now wanting your help.

    I had been using Rogaine for 2-3 months...stopped it -my fault - and after around 5 months started to use it again in solution - Rogaine 55 60 ml with 0.005 Tretinoin and 50 ml Flogorynel ( an anti irritant if my spell is correct from the prescription )

    The drama of the case is that from the moment I started using it I suffer a severe hair loss..i have lost what I almost lost in a 6 months period in around 3 weeks ! I consulted my dermatologist again and he told me that simple Rogaine hasnt being effective yet...but believe me..from the moment I use it - while in the past I didnt have a problem using Rogaine - everything goes wrong so fast ! I even tried to apply a simple cosmetic Amonixil hair style product and I felt my scalp burning...Has anyone any similar situation ? Is it normal to loose so many hair every day at shampooing and combing my hair ? - and just loosing them by no activity - Shall i stop it and consult another dermatologist - I guess I must do it but simple noone is available around Christmas time. Would I suffer even more if I stop Rogaine until I see a doctor ? And maybe I could get back the hair I am loosing now if its because of an allergic reaction to any ingredient or the hair loss I suffer now is permament ? If anyone has an idea please say a word...Thank you in advance and again all my wishes for the new year to us all

    P.S. never used Propecia before...

  10. Merry Christmas and all my heartfelt wishes for everyone of us the next year to find a cure for us and see our hair growing back more and more..o.k..to the point now wanting your help.

    I had been using Rogaine for 2-3 months...stopped it -my fault - and after around 5 months started to use it again in solution - Rogaine 55 60 ml with 0.005 Tretinoin and 50 ml Flogorynel ( an anti irritant if my spell is correct from the prescription )

    The drama of the case is that from the moment I started using it I suffer a severe hair loss..i have lost what I almost lost in a 6 months period in around 3 weeks ! I consulted my dermatologist again and he told me that simple Rogaine hasnt being effective yet...but believe me..from the moment I use it - while in the past I didnt have a problem using Rogaine - everything goes wrong so fast ! I even tried to apply a simple cosmetic Amonixil hair style product and I felt my scalp burning...Has anyone any similar situation ? Is it normal to loose so many hair every day at shampooing and combing my hair ? - and just loosing them by no activity - Shall i stop it and consult another dermatologist - I guess I must do it but simple noone is available around Christmas time. Would I suffer even more if I stop Rogaine until I see a doctor ? And maybe I could get back the hair I am loosing now if its because of an allergic reaction to any ingredient or the hair loss I suffer now is permament ? If anyone has an idea please say a word...Thank you in advance and again all my wishes for the new year to us all

    P.S. never used Propecia before...

  11. Hello everyone..I am 32 years old and one year ago I suffered from a sever external pain on the top back of my head coming from the hair - I couldnt even sleep at night touching the hair on the pillow - I went to a dermatologist and he told me that I was having hair dystrophia which something started around 3 months before that visit of mine... - and that pain was the result of it..and he was right. I was already starting having hair loss at that area of my head and on the top left and right hair line. That doctor gave me vitamin H, Pycnogenol vitamin, shampoo for preventing hair loss and a lotion ( unfortunately I cant remember what )..The pain symptom was eliminated...and hair loss stopped for a while and the little hair on the back of my head indeed grew as his told me - I have to tell you also that I am having long hair up to my shoulders - On my next visit to him he told me I should try something stronger so as to maintain my hair and he prescribed me the same with the addition of Rogaine with solution instead of the previous lotion...hair seemed on the back to go better but all this time still very little pain there wass present. When I stopped Rogaine - stopped it for 4 months now - I begin to have an increased hair loss both on the back of my head and in the front and top of my head...Pain still exists - much less but still there - and dont know what to do...Consult more dermatologists ? Go on using Rogaine ? I have 2 friends that used Rogaine and after stopping it not only lost the hair they had got back but also lost a serious amount of their hair...I am very seriously thinking the solution of hair transplantation but I am so much confused...the problem is not that much obvious because of the length of my hair. Maybe I should first try any treatment available and then consider a surgery ? But I am a bit afraid of all these side effects I read and I dont think I would like to do experiments with my hair / head just to realise that nothing else than surgery will really help me...And still i am having hair loss - ESPECIALLY I loose the smaller hair of my head in a percentage of 70 % small hair 30 % my long hair - ..it seems like my head can not maintain the new grown up hair...dont know...anyone had faced a similar situation ? Forgive me if some answers to my questions seem so obvious and you may think I am even naive but it is my first time having such a problem and I would just like to know if anyone out there had the same situation and what is his / her opinion...Thank you so much in advance / Matsuri

    P.S. Anyone has used a soft laser brush ? Maybe this could help my case with addition of botanical shampoos and vitamins ?

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