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Posts posted by hairthere1

  1. On 7/21/2023 at 5:19 PM, Berba11 said:

    Would be great to see your case mate. It would help a lot of people I’m sure. 

    sure thing here’s a link. I haven’t updated the file recently because the lightbulb i replaced is softer now but it’s the same result nonetheless. I’ll update the final results in 3-4 months once the hair grows out and maybe a thread here as well. Overall feriduni saved me so much headache to say the least.

    side note i picked up that nico nico a month after my last procedure, does anyone know if it’d affect the results of a ht? facts not advice please thank you

  2. Thank you so much davy i am a repair patient of dr feriduni’s and the breakdown i went through last year was immense bc of my pluggy hairline/cobblestoning/bad angles. Seeing how good feriduni’s results were (especially in your case and some others w cobblestoning) when everyone kept saying cobblestoning was not repairable gave me some hope. Somehow he took out ~90% of the cobblestones with zero visible scarring even up close harsh light zoomed in etc. i am scheduled to do a touch up next month and I’ll post my own repair story. 

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