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Posts posted by joeysi

  1. whats up people? iam 34 yrs old and 0ne h.t it was 2500 grafts all for the hairline.i wouldlike to do one more prcedure on the hairline and im looking for a doctor in new york can u guys please help


    propecia ed

    rogain 5% once a day

  2. whats up people im aproaching the 3 month mark and im starting to get some pimples on the receipeint area. my question is if i pop them will it hurt the graft. i know that they say at 10 days you would have to get the graft surgically removed that you cannot lose it but what damage can the poppin of the pimple do thanks again people

  3. whats up people whats the normal time after a hairtransplant that you can go to a tanning salon. j have a wedding in 2 wks will be the 3 month mark post surgerey i was wondering if its ok i thanks guys by the way i have no more redness at all just some pimples that are surfacing

  4. 1- i notice around 90% of the scabs have hair in them i read that its ok if this happens but wasnt sure if that meant such a high % of them would be like that 2- at what day can you take direct pressure from a shower head to the receipent area. 3- when can you get some sun on that receipent are i think you always look worse when your scalp is pal. thanks again

  5. 1- i notice around 90% of the scabs have hair in them i read that its ok if this happens but wasnt sure if that meant such a high % of them would be like that 2- at what day can you take direct pressure from a shower head to the receipent area. 3- when can you get some sun on that receipent are i think you always look worse when your scalp is pal. thanks again

  6. whats up people today was the day i had my sutures removed.at the office the girl who removed them asked me why i still had those little scabs on my scalp. i told her i knew at day 6 i was supposed to start gentle massaging the grafted area but i was nervous about dislodging grafts.so then the crazy girl starts rubbing my scalp back lke a physco telling me that its fne and not to be paranoid.obviously scabs loosened up and some came out with hairs in them but do you guys think that she hurt my grafts? i read at 10 days you had to have the hairs remived surgically and today is day 12 so i guess im ok but would like some one else to say its ok. thanks again

  7. whats up people today was the day i had my sutures removed.at the office the girl who removed them asked me why i still had those little scabs on my scalp. i told her i knew at day 6 i was supposed to start gentle massaging the grafted area but i was nervous about dislodging grafts.so then the crazy girl starts rubbing my scalp back lke a physco telling me that its fne and not to be paranoid.obviously scabs loosened up and some came out with hairs in them but do you guys think that she hurt my grafts? i read at 10 days you had to have the hairs remived surgically and today is day 12 so i guess im ok but would like some one else to say its ok. thanks again

  8. i once posted that i was goning to mhr for a consult and immediately got responses lke stay away from those hairmills . my question is i keep hearing how bad they are but i would like to see some recent work to back this up.i meet with the doctor we walked through the procedure answered all my questions and said i can meet some patients if i wanted. if anything he seemed real honest to me. for the record i will be going to a few other docs before i make my choice but from his photos ,experience and the simple fact that i felt no pressure he seemed more than capable to deliever what i wanted thanks guys

  9. i once posted that i was goning to mhr for a consult and immediately got responses lke stay away from those hairmills . my question is i keep hearing how bad they are but i would like to see some recent work to back this up.i meet with the doctor we walked through the procedure answered all my questions and said i can meet some patients if i wanted. if anything he seemed real honest to me. for the record i will be going to a few other docs before i make my choice but from his photos ,experience and the simple fact that i felt no pressure he seemed more than capable to deliever what i wanted thanks guys

  10. all i keep reading is how the grafts are secure in your scalp by day 10. i also keep reading that your scabs can fall off with the hair in them any where from day 3 to one month.so my question is at what point can you have a graft dislodge and not lose it in the future.basically how long does t take to basically establish itself as a permanent hair to the scalp.one hour one day one week it seems like there is alot of contradicting statements and therefore confusing me.its just how can you not be alarmed when you start massaging your scabs at day 5 and the hairs fall out with them but people are saying to be careful by nit dislodging them until day 10. i hope i explained myself correctly thanks again

  11. all i keep reading is how the grafts are secure in your scalp by day 10. i also keep reading that your scabs can fall off with the hair in them any where from day 3 to one month.so my question is at what point can you have a graft dislodge and not lose it in the future.basically how long does t take to basically establish itself as a permanent hair to the scalp.one hour one day one week it seems like there is alot of contradicting statements and therefore confusing me.its just how can you not be alarmed when you start massaging your scabs at day 5 and the hairs fall out with them but people are saying to be careful by nit dislodging them until day 10. i hope i explained myself correctly thanks again

  12. thanks for the reply but i think didnt explain correctly i will be wearing a baseball cap for 10 to 12 hours under the helmet. actually i can get away from carrying the hard hat under my arm i gguess what i should of said was it ok to wear the baseball cap thats loosely fitted where the transplant is (hair line) thanks again and sorry i didnt explan it right the first time

  13. after a ht im told its ok to wear a hat the problemis i will be returning to work about 6 days after surgerey and im a construction worker i will be wearing a hat for about 10 to 12 hours. the hat is fitted but will be loose around my hairline where the procedure was done any info would be great

  14. after a ht im told its ok to wear a hat the problemis i will be returning to work about 6 days after surgerey and im a construction worker i will be wearing a hat for about 10 to 12 hours. the hat is fitted but will be loose around my hairline where the procedure was done any info would be great

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