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Posts posted by FUEUF

  1. 2 hours ago, civic said:

    Thanks for transparency, this is 💯 % reality. Ht were never meant to fully restore density to NW 0, certain styling of hair is expected. Some of us who have high contrast between scalp & hair, might have it even more pronounced if unstyled . 

    Hmmm. I don't think thats 100% reality. Just check what results are published on the clinic's Instagram.  it's obvious that this guy had the same expectations.  any reputable doctor will ask you before starting the procedure what are your expectations regarding the final result.  we weren't there for the interview, but we can only assume that the clinic said it was up to it.  which in the present example clearly shows that it has not succeeded.  that's why it's so important to check real patient reviews rather than blindly believe in Instagram marketing. 


    And I will just add that the exception does not prove the rule, so I will not judge the clinic as a whole only on this one case.

  2. What's your opinion guys? I have been quoted from both around 3k grafts - to restore hairline, frontal and mid-scalp area (NW3). The price is a little bit in favour of Pekiner, but the difference is not major (2.7 to 3€). I can deal with that. Pekiner does all steps himself, while Freitas uses his techs for some. It's not a big deal as well, since with his reputation it must be his trusted team rather then nonamed, random people. There are those voices here and there, that the results Freitas produces are mostly with thick hair of Spaniards and that's why it looks so good on his Instagram. Any advices?

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