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Posts posted by sinbar

  1. On 12/12/2022 at 9:33 AM, waterworld said:

    The doctor didn't do that part, correct. This is true for most clinics. I'm not sure whether the result would have been much different - it all depends on experience and skill. Presumably, with enough experience, the technician should be well qualified for the role.

    I suppose in theory. There are clinics which have offered to put it in writing that the surgeon does the FUE surgery bit of the process so that’s comforting.


    I see what you mean but also can’t understand how a doctor can claim to be an important (and expensive) part of the process and then let any old assistant do the actual surgery! What are we paying for? 

    i hope it comes through for you. I won’t be going to Wimpole though it all doesn’t sit right with me.

  2. Hi thank you for sharing this very interesting to read more and I haven’t read much on dr Michael May yet. Did you say he left the building for the last three hours! Anyway is all ok now one year on? You said the Technician did all your fue graft harvest that’s interesting because I thought it was not legal it says on the gmc website only doctors should perform surgery in the uk including Hair transplants anyway I hope you’re happy at least if not maybe you can sue 

  3. Hi waterworld I have just messaged on a different thread I think I’m interested in your journey (and very grateful you are sharing very kind and helpful of you to us). So did dr Malkani leave for the Technician to do the graft harvest but you were awake for it? Following your thread, interested to understand dr Malkani process also did you choose him or were you kind of assigned him because the website shows a few different doctors 

    appreciate your help 

  4. Hi waterworld very interesting and thank you for sharing your story. I’m looking into this Clinic and others, looks like it’s been around for a long time so could be good. How was your experience on the day? 

    I’ve read some differing reports on the clinic but do you remember on the day whether the doctor himself or the Technician/assistant performed the FUE extraction (graft harvest)? One patient said they had an inter muscle injection that knocked them out im a bit scared of that if I’m honest can I ask did you have the injection? 

    Hope all is coming through now it has been a few months??

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