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Posts posted by P.D

  1. Same I'm 3 months in and on top I have shed loads so it looks really really thin, swear theres a tiny bald patch too or maybe I'm being paranoid.


    Hopefully its over now, weird as didnt shed for first month but have the last 2 months. A mate even said the other day its looking thin and I can tell if I tilt my head when looking in the mirror.

  2. 1. How long have you been on Finasteride?

    3 months - 2.5mg every other day but not switching to 1.25mg a day


    2. Have you experiencing side effects? If yes, what are the side effects?

    Got really horny for first 2 weeks, couldnt stop wanking or boning the missus - was like 6 or 7 times a day minimum


    3. Did you quite the drug once the side effects came up? No I enjoyed them lol


    4. Did the side effects go away after you quite?

    Yeah went after 2 weeks


    5. What is your overall feedback on this drug?


    Hair looks really really thin on top now, told its a shed which should stop now im 3 months in then it should all come back after another 3 or 4 months, hopefully will by christmas

  3. I know how you feel.


    I've been on it for 3 months now and was taking 2.5mg every other day as I had proscar.


    Seems like I've shed half my hair and look silly thin on top. Supposed to stop it going not lose it but I'm told its just a shed and it comes back.


    Really hope so but its getting me down

  4. Originally posted by mmhce:



    as I found it too difficult to cut it without it disintegrating everywhere.



    Cutting the tablets into four parts is a non-issue. It doesn't have to be four equal parts. The parts can be unequal.


    I suggest you brush up on your pill-cutting skills and keep with the 1.25mg daily recommendation.


    It's a much better regimen that way, with less of a chance of you missing a dosage.


    Well often it doesnt cut that well.


    I am still taking the same does 2.5mg every other day is 1.25mg every other day.


    More the question was is it better to take 1.25mg every day or 2.5mg every other day. I wont be missing a dosage as I have a calendar reminder set up to remind me and note it down so that I have a record of what i have taken.

  5. I did ask this before a while ago but currently I cut my proscar into 2 and take half every other day as I found it too difficult to cut it without it disintegrating everywhere.


    So I'm taking 2.5mg every other day which hasnt given me any side effects.


    However I've been reading on a few sites that taking it every other day means its out of your system within 24 hours and therefore the next day your dht levels dont become affected by the Proscar. Is this true or does it not matter at all?


    I've only been taking it for 1.5 months anyway so want to get it right going forward.

  6. Been on it 2 weeks now and its made me so fucking horny I cant stop shagging my gf. Its ridiculous, have to do her like 3 or 4 times a day at least.



    Funny thing is I havent told her I'm taking it means extra brownie points for me


    No negative side effects though

  7. Before I got my prescription I looked online and you can buy Propecia with an online prescription by filling in a short questionnaire. Bit more of an expensive option, maybe get 3 months supply like that to get you started then you have 3 months to work on getting a proper prescription of proscar to save costs.

  8. Just asked my doctor. I got proscar.


    Packaged by Merck.


    I just take half a tablet (2.5mg) every other day. Only been on it a week so no idea if it works or if that does is ok or anything.

  9. Hi guys


    Been reading this forum for a few weeks, very informative so thanks to all. Had never even heard of all these drugs and treatments before finding this site.


    I have been prescribed some proscar and it came through the post the other day and says take one fifth a day but I thought I'd up the dose to a quarter a day.


    I tried to chop up a pill but it cut into 2 but one of the halfs had crumbled. I dont think cutting it into quarters is really much of an option if its going to be that much of a mission.


    Can I just take a half every other day or does that lose some of the effect too much.


    Alternatively anywhere I can buy a cutter for it online at all? I think it would be much easier to cut up if it wasnt such an odd shape as well.

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