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Posts posted by pjhairloss

  1. Done by Dr Patty, Hairtran Clinic in Bangkok, Thailand. 2370 Grafts, FUE. Pics taken directly before and after the procedure.
    Keen to know your thoughts on how the pictures look!
    I'm 28, been on Fin since Feb '23 and have started 1.25mg Oral Minox after the transplant.
    I was very happy with the communication. Professional, very good english, quick to respond. I felt taken care of and not like just another patient.
  2. I live in Switzerland. I've seen though that there are generic versions of fin that are sold in 5mg capsules which are much, much cheaper. As I've seen a lot of people buy those and split them.

    I'm going to look into getting a recepie from a dermatologist so that I can see how I react to the medication.


    I also got the first 2 responses back. Eugenix said about 2700 - 3000 grafts, BHR say about 2800 grafts. The prices are quite different though, which is to be expected.

  3. My father has receeded temples, I guess similar to mine but he is also 60 years old. My grandfather on my mothers side was completely bald, the other grandfather  (dad's side) still has a lot of hair at 94.

    I'm reaching out to eugenix, dr bisanga and dr. feriduni. I still need to do a lot of reading and i'm trying to get a feel of cost and amount of grafts that are estimated from different clinics etc.

  4. Hello,

    I'm 27 years old, have had at least a slight recession on my temples for years now, starting in my early twenties.

    In the past year however, I've realized that my Forelock has started receeding more as well.
    Im now considering a hair transplant as well as starting medication as I feel my mental health is starting to be affected by the hair loss more and more.

    I've started to contact doctors that are recommended on this forum but would appreciate some input from you, the members, on if a transplant makes sense in your eyes at this time. Basically im trying to find out it what a doctor recommends matches the forum's feel.

    I've made some pictures which i've uploaded here: https://imgur.com/a/Db1zcGw
    ks for your thoughts and opinions.

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