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Posts posted by dufik

  1. Hi,

    It's been a year since I went through surgery and here is my update.

    Now, one year post-op, I've taken some time to evaluate the growth and overall results. Honestly, I expected a denser look by this point. The hair has grown, but the coverage isn't as full as I had hoped for. The texture of the new hair is also noticeably different, and the growth seems uneven in some areas.I've contacted the clinic for a follow-up consultation to address these concerns. I think it's crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of what's normal at this stage and what can be done if the results are indeed subpar.

    I've included some pictures for reference, but please note that they were taken under harsh lighting to better show these details. In person, it looks much better, and these images might not perfectly represent the actual look.

    My only question is about the texture of the hair. Does it change?




  2. 5 hours ago, JayLDD said:

    Imo this is 1000-1200 grafts placed at best. 2700 hairs maybe, not 2700 grafts. For the area you covered for good density you needed in the range of 3500 grafts, you probably got about a third of that. 

    This is going to be a required repair job, almost zero doubts. There's a zero percent change of good density. Would recommend much broader research in terms of future surgery if you go back, even if your budget is low this clinic was not at a reasonable standard.

    I'll see in a year. As I said, there was a lot of hair falling with the scabs. If i am not going to be satisfied I will let the grafts being counted from the pictures and if it's not what was claimed I am going to sue them.

    The clinic is called Hairmedico and it was done by Dr. Arslan Musbeh.


    Posting another pictured from further away.


  3. Hi,

    I went to Istanbul and had the surgery on November 5th, 2022. It's my 12th day and I already removed all of the scabs. Some scabs had hair in it, but from what I read it's considered normal and that the grants are already secured after 8th day.

    First 2 pictures are from the 4th day and the others from the 12th.


    What do you think?






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