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Posts posted by Telepinu

  1. I have not looked at the study, as I do not have the time because of other works, but I have watched the video report. I have to question one thing: to what extent have the actual statistics of sexual disfunction among men been taken into account while doing the study? As far as I can see, the actual report is very very bare, with only the basic premise having been looked at. This is not necessarily new. I do believe that sexual disfunction is connected with finasteride in some form of way, but Im not convinced at the extent (wether minimized or, as in many cases, elevated). As far as current statistics go, sexual disfunction is about as common as it can get:


    MMHC - Facts about erectile dysfunction, impotency, vasectomy reversal, and treatment options.


    One in 10 men in the world have erectile dysfunction.

    30 million men in the United States have erectile dysfunction.

    50% of men with diabetes have erectile dysfunction, frequently within 10 years of diagnosis.

    The likelihood of erectile dysfunction increases with age: 39% at age 40, 65% over the age of 65.

    Smokers have a higher likelihood of erectile dysfunction. Men who smoke more than 1 pack per day have a 50% higher chance of impotency than nonsmokers the same age.


    "About 40 percent of women and 30 percent of men experience sexual dysfunction, a rate much higher than previously believed, according to a new study by researchers at the University and the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School."


    Researchers publish new study on sexual dysfunction


    As with many of the studies, I cannot see a direct enough of a correlation to make any real conclusion with the study.The researcher made the percentage as high as 70%. Is he going just based on actual reports? I feel that the prevalence of the problem matched by anxiety can really affect many men in a negative way in this regard.


    Anyway, I can't say that I am not spooked. I am a bit. Ive taken it for a year but have not noticed anything much... but then again, I am pretty young. Still, the thought of long term damage is disconcerting.

  2. I used propecia for over a year. I have stopped now not because of any side effects but because I need to replenish and don't have the cash for it. My experience has been fine. I did feel like I lost some libido for a bit early while taking it but I am not sure of that since, as with you guys, I was very nervous and constantly "trying it" to make sure it was working (so I might have "worn it out" a bit). I even noticed a hightened sense of libido for a bit. But again, it may have all been mental. Other than that, it was fine. Perhaps you might want to start off with taking it three times a week instead of the full seven, just to ease into it.


    As for Sigil, dude you have a wife who loves you! There is no need for it if you feel that apprehensive. You can not get off of it, so once your in your in for good (if you want to keep what you have that is). So really consider it. Not for any bad reasons, but I think that a small vanity issue that most guys face as they get older should not be that much of an influence when you have found a person with whom you share such a strong connection with. Im very young so for me it has a strong effect on my hope of getting a girl. Truth be told though, I see plenty of guys with bad hair or receded hair with pretty hot girls (and vanity goes both ways).


    Be either way, you have someone who loves you. I think that that is enough!

  3. Im having trouble paying for my Propecia now, about a year in. I don't want to stop using it but I cannot find doctors willing to prescribe me generic finasteride which I can then cut up and use for cheaper. The price of Propecia is just too much for me (a student) even at 1 pill every other day (which I would like to step up to one/day). Are there any doctors who frequent this forum who could hand out a prescription via their website?


    Thank you!

  4. I have to say, as a person undergoing hairloss myself, I don't wish it on anyone, its an irritating experience to say the least (the care alone I have to put to my hair makes it torture). However, I have to say, one of my housemates has been one of the most conceited people I know. Its amazing how fake and self-aggrandizing he has been all of his life... and now for several years his hair has been thinning profusely. His persona seems to have changed a bit, he is far more down to earth now.


    I have to see, this guy truly had it coming for the way he acted when he had a mop of hair.

  5. Thanks for those infos, I didnt know even a twin would have different gene, thought my brother should has same problem as me.

    How exactly to defind a mature hairline or male pattern losing?


    The reason why I feel depressed is ...everytime I go out with my brothers , it feels that I dont belong to the family and females' attentions are always on my brother but not me. Frankly , I wish I am the only child in the family.


    Most likely its not that yoru hairline is maturing anymore, I threw that out as a very unlikely thing. If the sides are receding but your front isnt, thats a telltale sign of MPB. That is pretty much how mine started, I noticed that when i put my hand over my forehead, it was increasingly getting harder and harder to reach the sides of my hair while the front much easier. My sides also looked notably thinner.

  6. Our looks are determined by less than 10% of our genetics, so on the outside you and your twin may look the same but inside your genetic differences will be notable. Nobody is the same, and twins are no different in this regard, even if they are more so than the average person. You unfortunately had the bad look of inheriting the hairloss gene while your brothers didnt or perhaps they are written down for a later date in their life. That's just how it is. It is a sad fact but since your balding their alarm should go off for them as well... they are not immune.


    Eitherway, your doing the best possible thing. Maybe your hairline never matured in its earlier years? That could be a possibility, but more likely the propecia and rogain have not proven effective on the front.

  7. It's obviously a good idea to continue monitoring your sexual health. Just don't spend too much time analyzing the consistency of your semen. Wink


    Its pretty funny. Ever since I started on Propecia I have been so concerned about my libido that I began masturbating more and more throughout the day. Now I have begun to notice that my semen is a bit weaker, but Im not sure if its the propecia or, just as likely, the stress from the increased masturbation. For the first month of propecia i could swear my libido actually went up for a while...

  8. I was wondering, how do you guys wash your hair since you began losing it? I am afraid to be ruff with my top in the shower I am afraid to lose extra hairs. This often means I dont really rub my scalp at the top in the same ruff way as I do with my sides. Neither am I as ruff with my top while using a towel, instead opting to use a hair dryer.


    Should I be so careful? What do you guys do?

  9. Started balding probably around 17-18... not sure, I was 19 when one day I came out of the shower and my mom noticed that my hair was receding on my sides. She said it so nonchalantly yet that completely leveled me. I nearly cried that night (something that had not happened since I was like 13-4). Since then my front has continued to recede and now my top has thinned to a good extent... thankfully my height makes it rare for people to see my top... lol. At 22, goin 23 in a few months I must be between a NWII and NWIII. I just got on propecia last month after over a year of worrying about it. Im hoping it will restore some of my top, if only a little and keep my back for a future possible transplant.


    As per my family, I have said it to others. At any family gathering, you can point out 80% or so of the men by pointing out the bald heads. My father, his father, and most other family members have extensive baldness. My grandfather on my mother's side is someone who went totally NW7 by his 50s while my dad is around a NW6 (he saved an extensive amount of loose hair on his top, its very weird). Many others also have extensive recessions up to NW5-6s.


    Interestingly enough there are plenty of family members who began balding yet seemed to have petered off at a 2 (both uncles). Their hair looks thin but its not longer being lost. Unfortunately I cannot see that as my future.

  10. Azaz, I have felt the very same way. A month in on Propecia I have felt an extreme amount of sexual arousal. Sometimes I feel the urge come in very randomly... I have felt the urge come in very fierce ways. Im only 22, but still, this has been rather strong even for this age.


    Btw, a month on Propecia is not enough time to really see the effects of it. You need to give it around a year for the benefits to become noticable. Around the 3-4 month mark supposedly hair shedding is supposed to cease. Give it time.

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