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Posts posted by KingH

  1. Thanks so much for taking the time to respond - reassuring to hear that you think its not a big deal to wear this on a transplant so long as its for a short period of time. I'll take a look at options online. If anybody has been in a similar situation and can recommend something please let me know!

  2. Thanks so much for the response! Do you have any recommendations on places to get these hair pieces from? I would prefer one that's not too dense. Also my scar isn't that noticeable so I was hoping it could just cover the front and top. Does that sound feasible to you? 

    If I get the job I wouldn't start until May, so hopefully that leaves enough time for the transplant to grow out a bit (also the interviewers will likely forget what my hair looked like by then). Basically I'm planning on wearing this solely for the interview and then going back into hiding. I would really prefer to just not have anyone know if possible, although I agree that it would be liberating if I could just be open about it. 

  3. I had a large FUT session three weeks ago. My head was shaved for it and other than having some mild redness in my scalp I've had a pretty smooth recovery. I know that pretty soon the transplanted hair and even some of the native hair will start to fall and I'll be in the so called ugly duckling phase. The problem is I have an interview for a job coming up and really cannot afford to go to it looking like this. I was hoping to use toppik/concealers, but given the growth rate of my hair I don't think that will be an option. So my question is, is it possible to wear a hear piece after a hair transplant? My clinic has said that its allowed but they don't have any advice on how to go about doing this. I mainly just need something to conceal my scalp for a few hours or so. Would really appreciate some advice on this. 

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