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Posts posted by OtHt

  1. 1 hour ago, mr_peanutbutter said:

    ok so your brothers crown doesnt dip as deep as much as yours? but what if it will dip as much as yours in the future? she took that into account? bc it looks like she harvested quite high, or is it just the angle?


    all the best

    Yes, i believe she did.

    She mentiond that his situation is better than me, considering he is 10 years older than me (40) with his current balding pattern.

    Also, There is another photo of him from a different angle in my first update after the transplant, and i think its pretty clear that she didnt harvested that high.

  2. 21 hours ago, receedinglegend said:

    @OtHt nice progress! you must be approaching month 5 now?

    Hey, thanks!

    Yes, 5 months in a week from now.

    Mixed feelings so far but its only 5 months so we hope things will get better.

    I will upload new photos in a few days from now.


    19 hours ago, mr_peanutbutter said:

    did she extract from that thinning area? looks like the crown is going deep



    She didnt extract from the thinning part.

    The first photo is mine and the second is my brother's photo.

  3. Thanks for everyone's advice!
    My clinic (Dr Bicer) told me to sleep on the side/back until 1 month so that's what I'm doing, but with way less fear of damaging the grafts.
    Found a comfortable position when Lying on the side (instead of lying on my back with 45 degree angle). the recipient area is not touching anything and and my sleep is good.
    Thanks again! 

  4. 2 hours ago, Rahal Hair Transplant said:


    Did you undergo FUT or FUE?  at seven days postop, I am surprised to hear you’re still having a hard time sleeping.  Are you in any discomfort or pain during the day? Since the newly transplanted hair is fully secured between 7 to 10 days you should be able to adjust the way you sleep to be more comfortable now.   I don’t see any reason why you need to continue to use a neck pillow at this point, maybe you go back to sleeping with a regular pillow and sleep normally… So unless you’re experiencing any discomfort or pain from the surgery still, you should be able to sleep normal. If you are still experiencing pain, i encourage you to contact your clinic.

    Best wishes,

    Rahal Hair Transplant 


    Thank you both for the response!
    I did an FUE and just wanted to do the best I can protecting the grafts while I sleep. I Will adjust the position into a more comfortable one.
    Regarding Pain, I do have pain in my donor area that is causing me a bit of a headache but the main thing was the position I tried to maintain.

    thanks again!

  5. 13 minutes ago, AB2000 said:

    When I've had hair implanted to the crown, I was told to keep using the neck pillow for months.  Find out from your doctor how long to stick with it.  Something that might help is a leg elevation pillow, which will raise the lower part of your body, possibly changing the angle of pressure on your neck and relieving it.



    Thanks for the advice!

    Also, months with neck pillow sounds like an overkill, no?

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  6. Hey,

    I am currently 7 days post my hair transplant and struggling to sleep properly.

    Two days ago I started having neck pain from sleeping with a neck pillow for the past week (I tried using different neck pillows and took painkillers) so when I try to sleep in the recommended position I just can't fall asleep because of the discomfort.

    I can only getabout 3 hours of sleep (spread throughout the night) and it just gets too hard. I feel really bad. I guess it affects my recovery as well.

    I'm 99% sure I could sleep in my normal position without touching the grafts at all.

    So, at 7 days post op, what do you think I should do?

  7. Thanks to you both!
    so, I got the dates a bit wrong. mine was on the 17th and my brother had his on the 18th.
    also, Dr Bicer decided to raise the number of grafts to 4000 for me and 4200 for my brother so she could cover the crown better.
    both our procedures went really well regarding comfort and pain. only the first 30 min or so are painful and even that isn't that bad, maybe 3 out of 10.
    i don't really know much about the details (number of grafts in each area, or singles/doubles distribution) but maybe the photos i will share can help.
    these are only post-op and 1st day pics.






    1 day1 donor3.jpeg

    1 day1 donorSide.jpeg

    1 day1 side.jpeg

    1 day1 vertex.jpeg

    1day1 donorSide2.jpeg

    1day1 vertex2.jpeg

  8. Hello everyone!

    I've been reading this forum for a long time and benefited from all the excellent information, so I decided to give back and document my and my brother's transplant.

    We scheduled the transplant two years ago, but due to the corona virus and a family tragedy, we had to postpone the date several times.

    Our transplant is scheduled for November 16-17, which means literally another week and a half from now.

    Regarding our hair loss status:

    I am 29 years old and my brother is 40 years old, suffering from the same pattern of baldness. We both use Minoxidil and Nizoral.

    In addition, for the past year, I use topical Finasteride and my brother uses topical Dutasteride.

    I can say that we both managed to maintain (and even cause slight growth) the condition of our hair.

    Regarding the procedure:

    According to Dr. Bicer's initial impression, I will need between 3500 and 3750 grafts when the plan is to significantly reduce the sparseness in the vertex area and build my hairline.

    My brother will need around the 3750 grafts for more or less the same purpose.

    In addition, it is important for me to point out that we both have thick beards, so if we are given the opportunity and it would be suitable, we would be happy to increase the number of grafts, or reduce the number of grafts taken from the back of the head by taking grafts from the beard. 

    - My plan is to update here every week for the first month and then every two weeks. - 

    photos of the state of my hair and my brother's:
    :The Order of the photos
    .First five photos are mine- beard, donor, hairline, side, vertex
    .And my brother's photos - donor, beard, hairline, side, vertex













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