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Posts posted by flashy

  1. @Gavinlee@NARMAK

    thanks for asking about the status.

    So I did a lot of research the last weeks and talked with different clinics.

    What I can say is that I will stay away from Turkey. If I would pay ~5.000 € in Turkey and the result is bad then the 5k € would be a waste of money. And yes, the other clinics in Europe are much more expensive. I got offerings from UK and Belgium for around 10.000 - 18.000 €. 

    I would much rather have doctors from Europe, but my budget simply does not allow it. I don't suffer that much psychologically from my hair loss. Friends and family advise me against surgery to support myself and my ego.
    However, I am still waiting for offers from Spain and Portugal. Eugenix really does not make a bad impression but maybe instead of a hair transplant I should rather pay for a gym ;)

    So I am still very unsure myself. The trigger for my research is possibly a divorce. I make myself with scarce 40 years again more thoughts about the appearance of myself. But whether it is worth it? Whether my ego needs to be strengthened so? I don't know.

  2. Dear all,
    I would like to thank you very much for your honest feedback!!! I am not offended by negative criticism.

    I am a good example of what marketing on the web has a high influence on someone with no experience.

    I am reading through the forum and may have already found a few better clinics for a hair transplant.


    Turkey is now rather unappealing to me but the following clinics are supposed to be recommendable anyway: Dr. Bicer, FUEcapilar, HLC

    In Europe, the following clinics are inexpensive and are said to achieve useful results: Dr. Bruno Pinto, Dr. Bruno Ferreira, Clínica Ximena Vila.

    Is it true about Europe? If yes, then I would ask for a quote from these three clinics/doctors.


    Thanks so much

  3. Hello all,
    I am from Germany and unfortunately there are no recommendable hair clinics in Germany.
    Therefore, I have read up a bit and think that the clinics in Turkey offer good quality for little money. My budget is a maximum of 4,000 euros. I think I can forget about a hair transplant in Belgium, Spain or Switzerland.

    But where to go in Turkey for the first transplant.
    Some online portals are often full of fake reviews, so it is somewhat difficult for me to find a suitable clinic.

    So far I have the following clinics from Turkey in the shortlist:
    - Clinicana
    - Dr. Emrah Cinik
    - ASMED
    - Cosmedica
    - Dr. Serkan Aygin
    - Capilclinic (also active in Spain and UK)
    - Transes
    - Dr. Bircan (current offering for 1.990.-CHF)

    Is there a really recommendable clinic in this list? Of course I would like to have the best possible quality in Istanbul.

    Or can you recommend a clinic that is not on this list?

    Many thanks and greetings

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