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Posts posted by jfally

  1. Tried to take a couple pre shower then post, then also a couple outside vs inside for lighting.

    6 month mark seems to be pretty telling for long term outcome based on all my time creeping here. As of now, with fibers, it looks fantastic, and without fibers is certainly a massive improvement from pre procedure.

    Crown takes it's time so we'll see where another 6-12 months lands me and if a second procedure for more density is ideal once I can see how these hairs mature/thicken plus any new sprouts which there are still plenty of. (Let's be real though, is anyone actually ever 100% satisfied after one proceudre? lol Hair greed is a VERY real thing.)IMG_0908.thumb.jpg.e0a5fcf05dc27ba1841ae51122cd1b6d.jpgIMG_0903.thumb.jpg.5887b65e2d9549091c889333778b6346.jpg

  2. He sculpted a double whirl that I hope becomes evident in another 4 months. Mostly bc I really appreciated the art he brings into it, I was pretty floored the extent he went to to recreate what he saw was my original double cowlick. 

    Anywho, def pumped for the next several months, the photos don’t capture all the sprouts well. But with new stuff sprouting plus all of it thickening over next few growth cycles, should get a solid outcome. 

    I continue daily Dut and Oral Min. IMG_4377.thumb.jpeg.9620e9de06e2d3a18de405ba9993a3d6.jpegIMG_1354.thumb.jpeg.8241b8ea6802aebeb01d469cd5ff0a90.jpeg

  3. 3 month update. Exactly 90 days post. Got a fade 10 days back hence length discrepancies, I find it helps blend the donor decently. Speaking of donor, it seems to have been bouncing back nicely over the last 2-4 weeks. I expected zero growth at all til month 4 so I know lots of different outcomes forward from here over the next year, but I’m very happy with where things are just 3 months post 🤞🏼

  4. 8 minutes ago, DTXHair said:

    Thanks man! I feel okay overall for where I’m at post op. The back looks imperceptible with the exception of slight redness. Left is almost there. Did you notice a lot of progress weeks 4-6? Also has your redness resolved? I’m tired of wearing a scrub cap or hat all of the time haha 

    It's pretty noteworthy how out and about, looking at other people, noticing their hair, most everyone has random odd growth patterns or even little spots that don't look uniform, etc. 

    Sketchy haircuts, weird cowlicks, unfortunate parts, etc etc etc.

    We are hyper-aware and hyper-critical of our own heads of hair naturally considering all we've done to them, but really not a single soul could tell other than us in most cases.

    So on our worst days overthinking it, helps to remember that lol. 

  5. I'm almost 6 weeks post, myself.

    I have a couple small areas on my right side as well, one in particular above my ear, that is lagging compared to rest of donor which now looks basically untouched.

    All of my research continues to remind me that 5-6 months post, these areas will fill back out, so any stressing prior to then is unnecessary. 

  6. 1 hour ago, rs525 said:

    I'm considering Dr. Nader as well if I ever get a hair transplant but I'm concerned about Reynosa and the clinic itself. The US State Dept. says not to travel there due to crime and when I looked up the clinic on Google Maps it did not look at all like you described. It looked like a dumpy strip mall and the immediate area looked like a third world country. I'm sure he's an excellent doctor but I of course value my safety and don't feel like going to a place where I need round the clock armed security.

    You're entitled to your opinion and feelings for sure.

    I shared mine and one month later I can confidently say I'd go back there tomorrow, this time, with zero hesitation/anxiety unlike the first time :)

    Good luck with your decision!

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