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Posts posted by Echo2022

  1. I'm noticing the opposite. My hair became very dry and brittle where I'm applying the minoxidil. It also breaks a lot there. Al my other hairs keep growing while the hairs where I'm using the minoxidil keeps breaking. Very annoying because I want to grow my hair longer, and the hairs where I'm applying the minoxidil don't get any longer than just an inch. 

  2. I started using minoxidil about a year and a half ago, because I was getting a receding hairline and balder by my temples. But since about 8 months my hair keeps breaking. I have very short hair, just over an inch long and want to grow it longer. All the hairs on my head keep growing, except in the front where I'm using the minoxidil, it keeps breaking. The hairs are also very dry there. I often have to cut all my other hair to match the hair in the front where it just doesn't get any longer. I have done a lot of research online and trying all the advice I can find to prevent breakage, but nothing works. I wash my hair only once a week or even less often, and when I do wash it I use shampoo without harsh chemicals. I use a very good moisturizing conditioner every day (also without harsh chemicals). I don't use a towel to dry my hair, but I pad it dry carefully with a soft shirt. I never use any hair gel or anything else that can cause breakage. I never use a blow dryer or any heat that can cause breakage. So the only thing I can think of is that the minoxidil is causing it. Does anybody else have the same experience?  Or does anybody know what I can do about it?  I\d really like to grow my hair a bit longer, and I also hate it that the hairs are so dry. 

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