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Posts posted by kpune

  1. Hi red,


    Congrates for your HT.


    Can you please tell me the total cost of this HT ( 2800 Grafts).

    I am also planning for HT from Dr. Madhu.


    Waiting for positive response and more pics



    I finally decided and had my hair transplant done at Dr.Madhu's advanced hair transplant clinic in Hyderabad,INDIA. I travelled to hyderabad for a visit and decided it's a right time to have my procedure done. I was talking to Dr.Madhu in the emails since 1 month and he or his assistant doctors had answered all my questions. I met the doctor in his office and he drew plan on how many grafs will be needed to cover the frontal and mid scalp. Looking at my donar area laxity he estimated around 3000 - 3200. I explained my goal to cover the front part and the sides to make it look as natural as possible and symmetrical on both sides and touchup work on temporal peaks. Doctor said bringing the hairline too much further can cause unnatural look and require more number of grafts.

    On the day of surgery:

    Arrived at the hospital at 8:00AM and was ready for the surgery. The junior doctors took my pre op pictures and gave anti biotic and anesthesia, dressed up in surgical Apron. Doctor arrived and drew the plan on my head. Doctor suggested to shave the frontal part to make it easier and effective to plant the hair. I was little hesitant to shave because it's gonna look weird than any hairstyle in the world:) I thought what the hell and decided to shave :confused:

    Doctor gave the anesthesia at the Donar area and it was painful for a while but after that it was totally numb. Harvested the strip and I asked how many grafts, doctor said approx 2800. the team started separating the grafts into 1's 2's and multi's. Doctor and his assistants started planting the hairs. Later Dr left for a while and the his assistants continued to plant the hair. Dr came after 2 hours and investigated the receipent and suggested some thing to them. It took 5 total hours to complete the surgery. I looked myself in the mirror after the surgery just curious to see how will I look in the future :)

    The hair line looked pretty solid but I could not analyse because of the elastic band on my forehead. Dr said I should not take that band off for 3 days.Following are the total number of hairs planted

    1's - 1120

    2's - 1180

    Multi's - 252


    total - 2552


    I was disappointed by the number of grafts because I was expecting more from the strip, I asked doctor that this is the less number he said he tried but couldn't get more than that. They provided me the some juice and cookies and had the anti biotic and pain killers.


    I will upload my pictures soon. I need to take a good pictures. But in the mean time I am attaching my before and after surgery pic, can ya'll please comment on the work done and the hairline.

  2. HI ALL,


    I Am planning for HT and searching for a good doctor in india.


    As i learned from this forum that we have to do lot of reaserch before selecting a good doctor and i m in the way.


    Is there any medicine i can strat who can stop my hair loss and keep active my hair follicals till my first HT.


    What abt Mintop/ Propecia / finmax etc....


    Please help me to find suitable medicine and the schedule of intake so atlease i can start it asap.

  3. hello Jagdish,


    congrates !!!


    I am also looking for best HT doctor in india. could u please tell me the full detail of the doctor where u have done ur last HT.


    How much expensive it is ...



    Please help me .. i m also sufferring by major hair losss.



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