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Posts posted by Marv1992

  1. On 4/9/2023 at 8:50 PM, AStark said:

    7.5 months….time flies. 

    just a quick update. I think from the outside looking in you wouldn’t see improvements since the 6 month mark but I can still see a ton of shorter thinner hairs growing and maturing in the hairline. I expect it’ll be thicker over time but as I’ve been saying for months, I’m happy with the results. Any improvement is icing on the cake at this point. 

    Here’s a before and after in natural lighting 


    left side I was loaded with fibers, right side not a single one. Could have gone lower with the hairline and maybe I will I’ve always had a larger forehead so I’m not stressing over it. 

    Same natural lighting top down view. 

    Still slightly thinner towards the back crown area but not overly noticeable. Again, no hair fibers here so other then a bit of clay product for styling, it’s as natural as it gets. I could address this area as well but for now, I’m enjoying what I’ve got. 

    1.25 mg Fin daily 

    2.5 oral min daily. 

    I’ll check back in at 12 month mark. 

    Hey man. Do you recall your calculated hair density in the transplant area? (average number of follicular units considering recipient area and number of transplanted grafts)

    • Like 1
  2. On 2/25/2023 at 7:27 PM, AStark said:


    As promised…here is 6 months post op. 

    2510 grafts FUE w/ Dr. Sahar Nadimi 

    1mg of Fin daily 

    2.5mg of Oral Min daily 

    I used natural outside lighting to take these shots as I was able to find pre op shots in similar lighting. 

    Frontal view. Post op no toppik or concealers. A slight bit of matte styling cream. 



    Top down view w/ sunlight directly overhead. Again, no toppik or concealers in post op shot. For only 160 grafts in the crown area, I’m really surprised at how much this has improved. 



    I feel like there’s been slight improvement in thickness since month 4.5-5 and I can see in the frontal portion a lot of thinner hairs that haven’t matured yet but have popped through. I’m guessing these will thicken and add to the overall result as time passes. 

    As mentioned in my last update, I honestly couldn’t be happier. Nothing is perfect I suppose but I have zero complaints and consider the procedure at this point a success.  I feel like I’ve turned back the clock on my hair ten years. 

    HIGHLY recommend Dr. Nadimi and Chicago Hair Institute for anyone considering. The juice was worth the squeeze for sure. Only regret is waiting as long as I did to address my hair loss situation. 

    I’ll post back at month 10-12 either way but this will be my last update until then. If you’re reading this and have questions, feel free to message me or post here, I’ll answer asap. 


    dude your hair is starting to look incredible. I commented earlier in the thread but good to see these results getting better and better. 


    Just had my FUE procedure with Dr Nadimi two days ago and i’m excited to go through a similar (positive) journey as yours. 

    • Like 1
  3. On 1/21/2023 at 6:58 PM, AStark said:


    I said I’d post back at 6 months but what the hell…..5 Months would technically be on the 26th but close enough to say 5 months I think. 

    I don’t even think I need to continue posting.  I would have been happy if this were my 12 month update let alone 5. The crown improved way more then I would have ever thought without a second op as well  

    I am Taking 1mg Fin and 2.5 Oral min daily for past 4-5 months. I have no doubt this has boosted the results. I have been taking biotin and different vitamins along with Collagen daily as well, can’t speak to their effectiveness on my hair but I am taking them nonetheless. If it ain’t broke 🤷‍♂️ 

    Below are a few photos under same lighting in same room taken 6 months pre op (which I had sent to Dr  Konior and Dr. Nadimi) and now 5 months post op. 

    Left side: Pre Op and Right side: Today. 9B6E3B69-4FA9-4F52-A404-BDFA1F65BBE9.thumb.jpeg.f2187693ebd255cee3fcbeaef0b9d8c7.jpeg

    I have a tad bit of styling paste in the last two post op photos, No hair fibers. 

    Top photo is with wet hair, which I find the density super impressive given my pre hair situation looked atrocious wet pre op. 

    What’s most crazy is without photos I can’t hardly remember what I looked like before now. Even my wife was a shocked looking at the before and after photos and she’s been here the whole time. I was pretty far gone. I feel like I’ve gotten 10 years back on my hair situation. I literally couldn’t be happier at this point. 

    I can see more colorless and thinner hairs growing in the hairline and slightly behind but the density of what’s there now makes it hard to see or notice at all. 

    Does anyone think I’ll continue to see improvement and if so, if what ways? I am struggling to see how it gets better from Here aside from maybe density but idk how much of a visual difference it would make now. It looks full to me as it is.

    Thanks to this site and everyone who’s taken the time prior to share their experiences. I don’t think I would have taken this leap without it. 

    I’ll post again if I see visual differences but otherwise, this may be it for me. I consider this a success for now. 

    wow man, these results are just insane. This is one of the most thorough threads i've seen anywhere regarding a Dr Nadimi hair transplant result and journey. Really appreciate you including such clear before/after pics from the exact same position and lighting. I'm sure this thread will provide anyone considering a hair transplant from Dr. Nadimi the assurance that they will receive top notch results, including myself. Congrats and thanks again.

    • Like 1
  4. On 1/1/2023 at 9:50 PM, AStark said:

    4 Month + 1 Week 

    I have to be honest, I’m extremely happy with the results at this point. if it stopped here today I’d say it’s a solid cosmetic improvement but of course, I’m hoping for more growth being only just past the 4 month mark. It’s still early days and I can def see more hairs, along the hair line especially, popping through or shorter than the rest. 


    I wish I had more pre transplant photos of this over head shot bc the crown looks a bit thin in this photo but it looks way better then it did pre op and that’s pretty well all from the oral Fin & Min I’d have to guess as I only has 160 grafts placed in that area. 


    The facial framing and ease of styling has been the most noticeable improvement  the density seems solid too. For the first time in 3-4 years I don’t have to use hair fibers. For those who know, this is a huge relief. 

    The ONLY complaint I would have (and this is nothing to do with Dr  Nadimi) would be that I would like the hairline a tad lower but that was my choice.  I can wanted to see how things went before I committed more grafts to the process. I may or may not do this again but if I would, I’d drop it just slightly.

    I’m sure theres always that desire for perfection BUT….If I never got the hair line lowered and what I have improved even slightly from here, I’d be 100% happy with my choice. 

    It’s honestly better than I expected it would be after 6-8 months at this point. I’m interested to see how it could improve from here. 

    I’ll post back at month 6. 


    wow this is looking phenomenal for the 4th month mark. must have took so much patience to get to this point but looks great man.

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