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Posts posted by midnightsnack

  1. Hey everyone, firstly I want to thank this community. It's been super informative place for learning more about the hair transplants. I had a question about the difference between all these. My understanding is:

    A follicle is one hair

    A graft is group of hairs in one group. i.e., there can be 1,2,3,4 etc., hair in a graft.

    A slit is the incersion in the recipient area where the hair is transplanted.


    First question: Is my understanding correct about these definitions?
    Second question: Can multiple grafts be placed in a slit?


    The reason i ask is because I recently did a hair transplant and the doctor told me that they made 900 slits and took 1400 grafts. And I am trying to figure out if it makes sense or not.


    Thanks for your help, 


  2. Am i the only one who doesn't see any clear visible difference between the T and C pictures across different months? I do see some difference b/w the C and T pictures taken from afar.. but it could be that Dr. Barghouthi just took more grafts from C area.. Of course I want to be excited but reading that this could be the "magic cure" we were looking for feel like we are streching our imagination.. Or am I missing something?

    • Thanks 1
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